For those who not familiar with Kaidanov, Susan give a bit of preview on him :
1. He was ranked as the top U.S. player for many years.
2. He represented the U.S. in many Olympiads.
3. He has very deep understanding of chess and you just don't lose this.
4. He won the Aeroflot Open clear first and this is the strongest Open Swiss tournament in the world.
And he is also a reputable coach in US from what I read in Chess Life magazine.
I convert two games from Susan Polgar commentary into an interactive chess player for your enjoyment. Bottom notes is, there are many book written in Sicilian defence, maybe compare to other opening? New book on Sicilian :
7 Way to Smash the Sicilian
New Sicilian Dragon by Simon Williams
Play the Sicilian Kan
Dangerous Weapon: Anti Sicilian
ABC of Sicilian Dragon DVD
For newest Sicilian Books see :
Barusan berlalu adalah duel tematik antara Judith Polgar lawan Gregory Kaidanov. Temanya adalah pembelaan Sisilia. Berlangsung di South Carolina, seluruh liputan pertandingan bisa dilihat di blog nya Susan Polgar beserta komentarnya per langkah. 1....c5 adalah pembelaan satu-satunya terhadap 1.e4 yang saya mainkan hampir belasan tahun so....... T_T tetaplah TABAH.
Berikut dua game interaktif dari pertandingan ini dari komentar ibu Susan. Partai Catur Pembelaan Sisilia - Gregory Kaidanov vs Judit Polgar 1-0
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Partai Catur Pembelaan Sisilia - Judit Polgar vs Gregory Kaidanov 1-0
Play chess online