Red and White Chess blogspot welcome chess communities from around the world to read and also to contribute in this blog. At the moment, I write this blog by myself in my spare time. This blog has reach visitors counter up to 150,000 hits. The main visitor came from Indonesia and other areas. There is a big potential for advertising chess materials in this blog that could reach reader effectively. If you are a :
- chess book publishers
- chess school owner
- chess material seller (chessset, chess display etc.)
- online chess server owner
- chess tournament organizers (also see this PAGE)
- others chess related
We welcome you to propose an advertisement in our blog, for a very small amount of fee or a barter of information. The advertisement can be a pictures posted in front of this blog and in other potential way.
What we are not accepting is :
- pirated chess book / e-books sellers
- other unauthorized things...
Please fill in the form below to contact us. Provide your email address, contact nos and clear information of what you are proposing to get INCLUDED in this blog. Please remind that not all inquiries will be respond.
Blog Red and White Chess menyambut pembaca dari berbagai tempat untuk turut berpartisipasi di blog ini. Kami membuka kesempatan bekerja sama dengan anda jika anda membutuhkan space iklan di blog kami. Blog ini sudah mencapai hits 150,000 pembaca dan sebagian besar diakses dari pembaca di Indonesia. Jika anda adalah:
- penyelenggara sekolah catur
- penyelenggara turnamen catur (baca juga PAGE ini)
- penjual alat-alat catur
- penjual buku catur yang RESMI (bajakan = haram!)
- mengirim artikel laporan turnamen catur
- lain-lain
maka silahkan menghubungi kami jika berminat memasang iklan di halaman blog kami. Fee iklan akan berlaku sesuai pertimbangan kami.
Silahkan mengisi form di bawah, lengkapi kembali alamat email, no telepon dan informasi lain di kolom "Message". Harap diperhatikan, kami tidak akan merespon semua permintaan, hanya yang betul-betul serius dan bermanfaat yang akan kami tindak lanjuti. Terima kasih.