Thursday, December 30, 2010

ASEAN Championship 2010 - Final

Tidak semeriah tayangan final AFF Indonesia vs Malaysia di Gelora Bung Karno, kejuaraan pertama catur ASEAN selesai digelar di Singapura minggu ini. Andalan Indonesia GM Megaranto yang turun di ASEAN Open berperforma stabil (tidak terkalahkan) dan menduduki ranking tiga dengan nilai 6 dari 9 babak. Turnamen Open ini diikuti mantan pecatur super GM Zurab Azmaiparshvili. Si Z.A.  ini (namanya susah diketik) adalah pecatur yang dekat dengan federasi Singapore dan kemungkinan besar bermain di ASEAN Open ini sebagai undangan darurat, mengingat list pemain sebelumnya menyertakan bintang catur Vietnam GM Le Quang Liem. Final  ASEAN Open :

1. GM Azmaiparashvili Zurab SIN 2637 6,5
2. IM Barbosa Oliver PHI 2451 6,5
3. GM Megaranto Susanto INA 2528 6,0
4. GM Gomez John Paul PHI 2522 5,5
5. IM Nguyen Van Huy VIE 2449 5,5
6. IM Bitoon Richard PHI 2461 5,5
7. GM Dao Thien Hai VIE 2512 5,5
8. GM Cao Sang VIE 2547 5,5
9. FM Nguyen Duc Hoa VIE 2431 5,5 

Di bagian puteri, WGM Irene K. Sukandar hadir sebagai unggulan pertama berdasarkan elo rating. Namun kepungan pecatur-pecatur puteri Vietnam membuat Irene terpeleset dua kali kekalahan, yaitu melawan si marga Nguyen: WGM Nguyen Thi Thanh An dan Nguyen Thi Mai Hung. Tujuh lawan Irene adalah pecatur Vietnam, dan mereka lah yang menguasai prize-ranking di ASEAN Women ini. Final ASEAN Women :

1. WGM Nguyen Thi Thanh An VIE 2300 7,5
2. WGM Hoang Thi Bao Tram VIE 2271 7,0
3. WGM Le Thanh Tu VIE 2316 6,5
4. WGM Sukandar Irine Kharisma INA 2382 6,0
5. WIM Pham Le Thao Nguyen VIE 2337 5,5
5. WIM Nguyen Thi Mai Hung VIE 2253 5,5

Di bagian Singapore Open, pecatur Indonesia Suyud Hartono 2150 duduk di ranking 9 di atas beberapa FM dan IM. Singapore Open ini dimenangkan GM Wen Yang 2519. Final ranking  Singapore Open :

1. GM Wen Yang CHN 2519 8,5
2. GM Villamayor Buenaventura PHI 2438 7,0
3. Nebato Sheider PHI 2180 6,5
4. GM Laxman R R IND 2479 6,5
5. Shen Siyuan CHN 2374 6,5
6. IM Romanov Alexei RUS 2414 6,5
7. IM Girinath P D S IND 2362 6,0

8. IM Myo Naing MYA 2316 6,0 
9. Suyud Hartoyo INA 2150 6,0

Happy New Year 2011!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

ASEAN Championship 2010 - Day 3

The First ASEAN Championship, exclusively for ASEAN chess player kick off on Boxing Day 2010. Five More Vietnam woman chess players storming the upper standing on Day 3/Round 6, all elo range from 2200 to 2300+. Indeed the Vietnamese are of a large crowd in this tournament. The tournament top seed however, WGM Irene K. Sukandar, stays on 3.5/6 point. Irene lost to WIM Nguyen Thi Mai Hung 2253 in round six, put her now on difficult task to finish within prize position. The current standing after round 6 :

1. WGM Nguyen Thi Thanh An VIE 2300 5,0
2. WGM Le Thanh Tu VIE 2316 4,5
3. WIM Nguyen Thi Mai Hung VIE 2253 4,5
4. WGM Hoang Thi Bao Tram VIE 2271 4,0
5. WGM Sukandar Irine Kharisma INA 2382 3,5
6. WIM Pham Le Thao Nguyen VIE 2337 3,5
7. WIM Dang Bich Ngoc VIE 2203 3,5
8. WIM Hoang Thi Nhu Y VIE 2223 3,5
....up to 20 players

In the main  or "men" tournament, GM Zurab Asmaiparashvili come out as a surprise participant. The super GM has a close relation to Singapore Chess Federation and perhaps playing as special invitee as GM Le Quang Liem seems to absent from this tournament. Stand on his reputation, GM Zurab is on first position of the current standing. Indonesian GM Megaranto held a draw with the super GM on round 6. Current standing after round 6:
1. GM Azmaiparashvili Zurab SIN 2637 5,0
2. IM Barbosa Oliver PHI 2451 4,5
3. GM Megaranto Susanto INA 2528 4,0
4. IM Nguyen Van Huy VIE 2449 4,0
5. GM Dao Thien Hai VIE 2512 4,0 
6. IM Yap Kim Steven PHI 2395 4,0


A photograph album courtesy of Singapore Chess News can be found here.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Countdown in Singapore 2011

Just before the countdown we will welcome a new Woman Champion. On the Woman World Champ in Antioch, Hou Yifan succesfully climbed to semi, meet her contemporary most dangerous nemesis, Koneru Humpy and won. Of the other side is a little surprise, WGM Ruan Lufei defeat comrade GM Zhao Xue, and previously Harika Dronavali and Alexandra Kosteniuk!

All mamas going home early, the last standing Europeans were Ekateryna Lahno and Almira Skripchenko. I really hope our new Chess queen stays as long as they are for another 20 years! Good luck to Hou Yifan (meaning=extra ordinary) and Ruan Lufei (charming)!

But, in ASEAN region there is also another heat. Not that Indonesia + Cristian Gonzalez vs Malaysia, but in Singapore, they hold a countdown party 2011.

Singapore will be hosting ASEAN first championship, for Men and Women. GM Le Quang Liem and his gangs, GM Megaranto Susanto seeded #4 are going to celebrate this. In Women area, WGM Irene K. Sukandar is leading ,to the other 14 girls. There is also Singapore Open, arbiter seminar, team match Singapore vs Malaysia. All after the Christmas to begin!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, a wrap up 2010 Chess Hall of Fame is ready to review here.
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