Friday, November 22, 2013

Magnus Carlsen Is World Chess Champion - Anand vs Carlsen Round 10 Chennai

Magnus Carlsen is now officially World Chess Champion! When he leads the World Chess Championship match by 6-3 yesterday, most of chess fans already considered this lead too decisive and believe that Carlsen already new World Champion. But today's round 10 draw confirmed this status. The game gone nowhere although gone through hours of play in Sicilian theme defence. Anand replied promptly with c5 Sicilian defence to Carlsen's 1.e4. Clearly the (ex) World Champion wants the last fight by playing this instead of Ruy Lopez (Berlin). Carlsen opted for 3.Bb5+ a Moscow Variation and Anand played 3..Nd7. The game can be dulled but somehow got excited because Carlsen seemingly reject Anand's "draw offer" by avoiding repetition. Both player was able to continued the game to move 65 before called it as technical draw with only Knight on the board.

Final Score:

World Chess Championship 2013 Chennai

So by now, congratulations for Magnus Carlsen for being the 16th World Chess Champion, or the 20th in FIDE list. We also wish Anand to comeback soon in fighting chess, as he will need to play in the next Candidate tournament among other seven chess personalities.

It is interesting by now to see who can become the real challenger to Magnus Carlsen "new era" domination. Seeing how he destroyed Anand with three victories is of course putting some fear to his colleagues, confirmed this will be the new world champion who dominated in superiority. Let's immediately imagine the next Challenger for Magnus Carlsen throne next year:

Vladimir Kramnik - the most serious challenger for Carlsen, in the interview Kramnik believe he and Aronian will able to match Carlsen's chess.

Levon Aronian - almost only few years above Carlsen in term of generation, if there were no Carlsen, Aronian can be the next big things on chess for this age.

Veselin Topalov - his style will put chess to another super sharp battle in case Topalov once again triumph into the challenger position

Sergey Karjakin - in the same age to Carlsen by only months different. He is almost like a missing link between Carlsen-generation to Aronian and others. His chances in the candidate match are not great as he haven't prove to be consistently fighting on top elite circle of chess.

Peter Svidler - the same generation to Kramnik and Topalov. He is wildcard in the Candidate tournament and only by very strong hard work we shall see the reality of putting Svidler as Challenger next year. A veteran player with vast experiences and already cross sword with almost all living world champion in the '80 to '2010s, from Spassky, Karpov, Kasparov and others.

Shakhriyar Mamedyarov - His strength mostly on top when playing as team member of Azerbaijan. His style also aggressive and risky. But inconsistent performance in the last five years will raised high doubt of him able to snap the challenger spot.

Dmitry Andreikin - a new force from Russian Republic which we still do not know much more about his true strength. He come to Candidate tournament as runner up to 2013 World Cup. Much more to be prove on this young fellow.

or... shall Vishwanathan Anand once again regain his opportunity to make the chess comeback of the time?

Compilation of Round 10 reports and commentaries:

Chessvibes - game analysis Peter Dodgers and Daniel Rensch
Chessbase - game analysis by GM Alejandro Ramirez
Video Analysis - Daniel King
TWIC - Magnus Carlsen is 16th undisputed World Champion
LIVE Video with Susan Polgar, Lawrence Trent, GM Ramesh and Tania Sachdev

Congratulation to GM Magnus Carlsen from Norwegia as new world champion !

Pertandingan dwi tarung antara Vishwanathan Anand melawan penantangnya Magnus Carlsen usai sudah. Kemenangan akhirnya diraih oleh pecatur muda dari Norwegia, yaitu Magnus Carlsen, setelah di ronde ke sepuluh berhasil menahan remis Vishy Anand. Anand yang tertinggal sebanyak tiga point memilih pertahanan Sisilia yang diyakini lebih berpeluang membawa hasil menang-kalah bagi kedua belah pihak. Pilihan ini didasari pada kenyataan bahwa Anand musti menang di tiga sisa babak terakhir. Pilihan Anand ini disambut baik oleh insan catur dan rekan GMnya. Walaupun Anand tidak mampu menggiring permainan ke arah yang lebih baik, namun usahanya membuat Carlsen musti duduk bertahan selama beberapa jam. Baru setelah langkah ke - 65, kedua pemain menyudahi harinya dengan jabat tangan remis karena di atas papan catur hanya tinggal seekor kuda milik hitam. Perlu dicatat bahwa Carlsen sendiri sempat tidak mau bermain pengulangan tiga langkah dan memilih bermain terus ketimbang langsung remis.

Selamat untuk Juara Dunia catur baru, Magnus Carlsen. Ucapan selamat berdatangan di twitter dari rekan GM. Magnus Carlsen menjadi juara catur Klasik ke - 16 kalau dihitung di silsilah Juara Catur yang meraih gelar dengan mengalahkan juara sebelumnya. Kalau ditambah juara dunia catur FIDE yang meraih gelar melalui turnament KO, yaitu Khalifman, Topalov, Ponomariov and Kasimdzhanov, maka Carlsen menjadi juara ke-21.

Di usianya yang baru 23 tahun, Magnus Carlsen menjadi juara dunia Catur termuda kedua, setelah Garry Kasparov. Untuk Komentar partai catur ronde ke-10 antara Magnus Carlsen vs Vishwanathan Anand akan diupdate segera besok hari.......

Komentator Catur siaran Langsung LIVE sepanjang dwitarung Anand vs Carlsen, menurut laporan Chessdom sekitar 200-300 juta pemirsa menyaksikan pertandingan ini. Foto adalah Tania Sachdev dari India dan Lawrence Trent dari Inggris, keduanya master catur

Partai Catur dwitarung Juara Dunia 2013, Chennai
Magnus Carlsen vs Viswanathan Anand 1/2-1/2
B51 Sicilian Defence - Moscow

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Vishy Anand vs Magnus Carlsen Round 9 - Dwitarung Juara Dunia Catur

The Prelude to Round 9

Meanwhile, a poll before Round 9:

Can Vishy Anand bounced back after his -2 score against Magnus Carlsen in WCC 2013 Chennai? free polls 


 Because he did it! Magnus Carlsen defeat Viswanathan Anand in a perhaps the most sharp and attacking games in the match, and perhaps the only one ever (but no, if Anand played kamikaze King's Gambit in the rest of the round). So it is +3 for Carlsen in the remaining three rounds, mean Carlsen only half point away for World Champion, just force a three fold repetition boy! In round 9, Anand opted for 1.d4, Carlsen for Nimzo-Indian, and Anand for 4.f3!, which by the way the variation name is Kmoch variation, ECO E20. So, hail Kmoch! But then the final position is Saemisch Variation, E25.

We were then get excited , some maneuver and suddenly Anand struck again, with 10.g4! We then got even excited when some smart commentators start saying that Kasparov played this move against Judit Polgar, Tilburg 1997. At this point Carlsen begin to think, and for first time in the match it seems like Anand able to give Carlsen a serious work to be done in the opening. Carlsen replied with castling, so did Anand and at some point Anand allowed Carlsen to put his knight on the strategic b3. At this point almost all engine started giving un-universal evaluation for both player. So, this is exciting games where engines is not 99% dependable by now, because even though the evaluation looks minus, but humans starts liking White position.

We then reach position where Anand had three line up pawn of e-f-g to start abusing Carlsen's king in the corner of king side. Carlsen pieces are line up in the 8-rank waiting , seems like waiting for the checmate. Anand think about 40 minutes and Queen goes to f4 to maneuver to h4, hoping his rook can come to backup the checkmate. Carlsen counter-calculated and see the best defence, so in the final tactical combination, Carlsen played b2! Anand continued the attack and Carlsen Queen-ed his b-pawn. In this point, alas,...alas,.. Anand blundered badly playing Nf1 to block the new  Queen check. If just Anand played 28.Bf1, the game is believed to be drawn only by best counter attack from Carlsen. So, that the match is almost over. The -3 in world chess championship is quickly a dejavu from Hou Yifan vs Anna Ushenina match, months prior! If during the match, chess was able to trigger "The Pyjamas Girls" and defeated Victoria's Secret, we can only hope for the best in coming years. 2013 World Chess Championship, After Round 9 Result: Anand vs Carlsen 3-6

Compilation of commentaries
Carlsen vs Anand round 9 0-1, Round 9 World Chess Championship 2013 Chennai
ECO E25 - Nimzo Indian Saemisch

Shocker! #FWCM2013
Anish Giri (@anishgiri) November 21, 2013

A new era is upon us. The Carlsen Era.
Lawrence Trent (@LawrenceTrentIM) November 21, 2013

End of an era... #AnandCarlsen
Nigel Short (@nigelshortchess) November 21, 2013

A sad finish. At least Vishy showed real fight today... #AnandCarlsen 
Nigel Short
(@nigelshortchess) November 21, 2013

Magnus deserves every bit of it, he is truly the best. That said I'm heart broken. Vishy you're a legend.
Tania Sachdev (@TaniaSachdev) November 21, 2013

Meanwhile this is from the day before Round 9:

Starting to realize that I am the only person who is going to be able to stop Sauron in the context of chess history. Hikaru Nakamura (@GMHikaru) November 19, 2013

Official Website Game 9 Report
Chessbase with GM Alejandro Ramirez and Josh Friedel and alternate article
Chessdom - Round 9 - Report
TWIC - by Mark Crowther
Chessvibes analysis by IM Danny Rensch / by Peter Doggers
Video Analysis by Daniel King
Official Youtube LIVE commentaries by Susan Polgar, Lawrence Trent, GM Ramesh with GM Daniel Gormally
Lengthy video analysis by IM David Pruess , Youtube
OnlineChessLesson analysis for Round 9, GM Ronen Har-Zvi

strange evaluation on the final move,... the actual Stockfish gives around -6 to -7, for Black's extra piece

Di babak ke sembilan dwi tarung catur Anand vs Carlsen, Magnus Carlsen meraih kemenangannya yang ke-tiga! Babak ini berjalan sangat tajam, sesuai komentar Anand sendiri di post-game interview, bahwa dia harus mengubah strategy pertandingan dan dia tidak menyesal memainkan openingnya. Anand bermain 1.d4, dijawab dengan Nimzo Indian oleh Carlsen, dan di sini Anand bermain line 4.f3! Di mana variasi line ini bernama Kmoch-variation, E20. 

Game kemudian berjalan taktis dan menjurus sangat tajam ketika Anand bermain 10.g4. Di mana langkah ini pernah dimainkan Kasparov melawan Judit Polgar di Tilburg 1997. Di langkah ini Anand memaksa Carlsen untuk berpikir panjang untuk pertama kalinya sepanjang dwi tarung. Carlsen memainkan langkah aman dengan rokade, disusul rokade oleh Anand. Dan kemudian Anand mengijinkan Carlsen meletakkan kudanya di petak strategis b3. Di poin ini, diyakini engine-engine mulai saling tidak sepakat dan permainan menjadi komplikasi rumit untuk bisa dianalisis dengan seksama. Beberapa komentator lebih senang berpihak pada putih, diyakini Anand sangat berpeluang untuk bisa memenangkan partai ini. Namun setelah Anand berpikir panjang hampir 40 menit, masuklah ke posisi di mana Anand memiliki tiga bidak e-f-g saling berjejer untuk menggempur raja Carlsen yang ada di sudut. Perwira-perwira Carlsenpun seakan tidak berdaya berjejer di barisan terakhir. Namun Carlsen berhasil mengkalkulasi pertahanan terbaik. Dengan langkah pion b2, hanya mengandalkan Ratu yang barusan promosi, Carlsen berhasil mencegah serangan Anand. Anand kemudian blunder maut di langkah 28 di mana dia menggunakan kuda untuk memblok skak dari Carlsen dan Carlsenpun bisa mencegah benteng Anand yang siap-siap mendukung serangan Ratu utk skak-mat. Akibatnya Carlsen menjadi memiliki satu perwira ekstra, yang oleh Anand lebih baik langsung menyerah saja, karena kombinasi serangan skak mat nya sudah gagal.

Andai Anand menggunakan Bishop/Gajahnya  untuk memblok, 28.Bf1, diyakini partai ini hanya akan draw dengan Carlsen perlu mencari konter-attack terbaik, karena Anand hanya 1-2 tempo dari skakmat. Di pers konferen, Anand berkata bahwa dia melihat langkah ini tapi mengira 28.Kuda-f1 lebih baik...di mana adalah blunder.

Ini adalah partai taktis yang penuh komplikasi,  untuk menyimak analisis GM yang lebih detail bisa dilihat di link-link di atas...

Komentar catur ronde ke-9,
Viswanathan Anand vs Magnus Carlsen 0-1, Round 9 E25 Nimzo Indian Saemisch
World Chess Championship 2013 Chennai

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Magnus Carlsen secured more draw vs Vishy Anand - WCC 2013 Round 8

World Chess Championship 2013 between Viswanathan Anand vs Magnus Carlsen is now reach two third of its length, 8 out of 12 rounds being played by now. In Round 8, the only interesting story was Magnus Carlsen opened with 1.e4, surprising ye again Anand (perhaps..) and spectators. Carlsen must be the most unpredictable and diversed World Championship player in regards of opening move! Anand played yet another Berlin who troubled him in this match and apply the strategy of using enemy's knife to attack them. Carlsen in fact too prepared and using clocks only within few minutes to reach the harmless middlegame. One should see the pattern that both player used up two rounds to re-warm up themselves before the storm to come next, hopefully. The game ended in 33 moves with all pieces kill in action leaving only 7 pawns endgame!

Round 8 Current Score: Anand - Carlsen 3-5

Compilation of commentaries (to be update soon...)
Carlsen vs Anand round 8 1/2-1/2, World Chess Championship 2013 Chennai

Official Website Game 8 Report 
Chessbase with GM Alejandro Ramirez and Josh Friedel and alternate articleChessdom - Round 8
TWIC - by Mark Crowther
Chessvibes / by Peter Doggers
Video Analysis by Daniel King
Official Youtube LIVE commentaries by Susan Polgar, Lawrence Trent, GM Ramesh with GM Daniel Gormally, Simon Williams Round 8
Lengthy video analysis by IM David Pruess , Youtube
OnlineChessLesson analysis for Round 8, GM Ronen Har-Zvi

Three World Leading Chess Engine also agree to a draw - Houdini, Komodo and Stockfish
The engine dully only moves King in the rest of their 'continuation'... follow the LIVE analysis in

Dwi tarung catur Juara Dunia antara Viswanathan Anand dari India melawan penantangnya Magnus Carlsen dari Norwegia memasuki ronde ke-8. Di babak ke delapan ini kedua pemain sepakat remis di langkah ke-33. Posisi akhir adalah kondisi endgame dengan masih ada tujuh pion di kedua belah pihak sementara semua perwira telah ditewaskan masing-masing. Satu-satunya hal menarik hanya Magnus Carlsen yang membuka permainan dengan langkah 1.e4, kabarnya Vishy Anand lagi-lagi kaget dan di luar perkiraan. Dengan hasil remis ini, Carlsen tetap memimpin dua point dengan nilai sementara adalah Anand 3 vs 5 Carlsen.

Komentar catur untuk partai dwitarung Anand-Carlsen ronde 8 ini juga tampaknya tidak terlalu seru, oleh karena itu ronde ini istirahat dulu untuk komentar nya... untuk komentar partai-partai sebelumnya bisa ditinjau di halaman MENJELANG PEREBUTAN JUARA DUNIA CATUR VISHY ANAND vs MAGNUS CARLSEN.

Magnus Carlsen vs Vishwanathan Anand 1/2-1/2,
Round 8 World Chess Championship Chennai 2013
ECO C67 Ruy Lopez Berlin

Monday, November 18, 2013

Anand vs Carlsen World Chess Championship Round 7 - Komentar Partai Catur

Komentar partai dwitarung catur kejuaraan dunia catur Anand vs Carlsen round 7 ada di bawah.

Time flies and we reach the ending of round 7, World Chess Championship between Viswanathan Anand versus his challenger Magnus Carlsen. In round 7, after two losses, Anand chose 1.e4 and again met by Berlin variation from Magnus. The game was generally quiet and many GMs give in unsatisfied credit for Anand being playing too solid. But some also think Anand will need some breathing air after his losses in previous two games. After the exchange of rook the game went into Queen ending + Knight. The game went in three fold repetition in 32 moves.

[Site "Chennai"]
[Date "2013.11.18"]
[Round "7"]
[White "Viswanathan Anand"]
[Black "Magnus Carlsen"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[ECO "C67"]

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 Nf6 4.d3 Bc5 5.Bxc6 dxc6 6.Nbd2 Bg4 7.h3 Bh5 8.Nf1 Nd7 9.Ng3 Bxf3 10.Qxf3 g6 11.Be3 Qe7 12.O-O-O O-O-O 13.Ne2 Rhe8 14.Kb1 b6 15.h4 Kb7 16.h5 Bxe3 17.Qxe3 Nc5 18.hxg6 hxg6 19.g3 a5 20.Rh7 Rh8 21.Rdh1 Rxh7 22.Rxh7 Qf6 23.f4 Rh8 24.Rxh8 Qxh8 25.fxe5 Qxe5 26.Qf3 f5 27.exf5 gxf5 28.c3 Ne6 29.Kc2 Ng5 30.Qf2 Ne6 31.Qf3 Ng5 32.Qf2 Ne6 1/2-1/2

Compilation of interesting Twitter regarding Round 7 Anand vs Carlsen
the clock is just minutes after the draw

Yan Nepomniachtchi ‏@lachesisq 29minutes
Vishy played today as if he has already resigned to the result. Hope he is still able to fight and will show it in the rest of the match.

Jonathan Rowson ‏@Jonathan_Rowson 37m
Vishy had pressure & might have made more of it, but hard to find the will after two losses. Broadly good for morale though.

Natalia Pogonina ‏@Pogonina 46m
Most 2700+ players are afraid of Carlsen. Kramnik is "immune". Aronian used to have a resistance, but not anymore, it seems 

Hikaru Nakamura ‏@GMHikaru 1h
@gjermundtorp Carlsen is playing quite well. I just simply do not understand why Anand is playing to his weaknesses and Carlsens strength.

Hikaru Nakamura ‏@GMHikaru 1h
It is a bit sad to see the great blitzer, calculator and awesome tactical machine that Anand was in the 90s and 00s playing this style.

Anish Giri ‏@anishgiri 1h
Got online in the Warsaw airport, wasn't that rewarding though.. Dull position #FWCM2013

Nigel Short ‏@nigelshortchess 5h
Cheering for my generation today #AnandCarlsen Vishy needs at least one win in his next 4 games.

Compilation of commentaries   (to be update soon...)
Anand vs Carlsen round 7 1/2-1/2, World Chess Championship 2013 Chennai

Official Website Game 7 Report
Chessbase with GM Alejandro Ramirez and Josh Friedel and alternate article
Chessdom - Round 7
TWIC - by Mark Crowther finally a post game interview transcript of Round 7
Chessvibes / by Peter Doggers
Video Analysis by Daniel King
Official Youtube LIVE commentaries by Susan Polgar, Lawrence Trent, GM Ramesh, Tania Sachdev with GM Daniel Gormally, Simon Williams Round 7
Lengthy video analysis by IM David Pruess , Youtube
OnlineChessLesson analysis round 7, GM Ronen Har-Zvi

Viswanathan Anand vs Magnus Carlsen - Chennai 2013 World Chess Championship
round 7 yet another Ruy Lopez , Berlin !

second before the start of 
Viswanathan Anand vs Magnus Carlsen - Chennai 2013 World Chess Championship round 7

the Golden Age of chess internet LIVE coverage

Partai dwi lomba pertandingan catur juara dunia antara Viswanathan Anand melawan Magnus Carlsen sudah memasuki babak ke-7. Di mana posisi nilai hingga babak ini adalah Carlsen unggul dua angka. Di babak ketujuh ini hasilnya adalah remis. Ceritanya Anand kembali bermain 1.e4 karena dia memegang buah putih. Ini adalah ke-empat kalinya dia menggunakan pembukaan bidak raja ini. Magnus mengulangi variasi Berlin pertahanan Ruy Lopez (dikenal juga sebagai pertahanan Spanyol). Tapi di langkah kelima Anand memilih langsung tukaran Bishop / Gajah dengan kuda milik Carlsen. Manuver-manuver di babak pembukaan dan middle game kembali terjadi, dan seperti biasa tipe permainan Carlsen yang senang permainan senyap di fase ini membuat partai catur ini sulit dimengerti kaum amatiran, Carlsen pokoknya hanya mengincar posisi untuk secepatnya masuk ke babak endgame, di mana diyakini dia lebih fokus ketimbang Anand. Setelah tukaran benteng, endgame memasuki posisi masing-masing hanya punya Ratu+Kuda. Di langkah 30 mulai terjadi pengulangan langkah oleh Anand, dan kedua pemain menyudahi ronde ini dengan jabatan tangan remis.

Kembali beberapa GM di twitter memberi sumbangsih komentar, Hikaru Nakamura misalnya bilang kalau dia sedih melihat Anand yang taktis, jagoan blitz di era '90an harus bermain seperti ini (pasif maksudnya..). Garry Kasparov sendiri yang barusan mengunjungi Jakarta dan ketemu Menpora kita masih konsisten dengan opininya, bahwa Carlsen akan menang.

Berikut komentar ringan, untuk analisis detail bisa dilihat di link2 di atas. Berhubung partai ini remis dan permainan memang hanya manuver-manuver positional di babak pertengahan, tampaknya ronde ini kurang begitu seru untuk dikomentari.

Komentar catur ronde ke-7,
Viswanathan Anand vs Magnus Carlsen 1/2-1/2
C67 Ruy Lopez Berlin, World Chess Championship 2013 Chennai

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Anand-Carlsen World Chess Championship Round 6 - Second Win by Magnus

Komentar Partai catur dwitarung Anand vs Carlsen round 6 ada di bawah 

The post-game interview saw Anand summed up the situation after Round 6 of World Chess Championship, "It is a heavy blow for me". Meaning the worst happened, Magnus Carlsen once again won the game, making it 4-2 for current standing on this World Championship of Chess match. Game six went in Ruy Lopez opening, Anand was white and Carlsen with black continued his Berlin line, only now Anand diverted with 4.d3 and 5.c3 setup. Carlsen pressing a bit and surprisingly the game reach a middlegame in which Black was quite active. Suddenly reaching the first time control, Black already one pawn ahead. For the challenger, one pawn was adequate and with Anand blundered in 60.Ra4, Carlsen found a creative trap to finish this rook endgame. His f pawn was the key and the rook smartly trap the white king on the unrecoverable h file, while his rook also semi trap by his own pawns. Carlsen score yet again, Tania Sachdev comments as pulling a rabbit out of a hat. Carlsen gives a creative endgame play, and according to twitter, right now Averbakh endgame books is trending!
The current score move to 4-2 for Carlsen favor in winning Chess World Champion title. The question by now, how Anand going to do to score +2 in 6 games. The round also saw yet again failure of post-game interview because the journalist was not doing their best job to find informative questions for both players. In fact, Anand uncharacteristically too exhaust to answer insignificant questions thrown to him.

Compilation of commentary of Anand vs Carlsen round 6, World Chess Championship 2013 Chennai

Official Website Game 6 Report
Chessbase with GM Alejandro Ramirez and Josh Friedel and alternate article
Chessdom - Round 6 comments by Tania Sachdev
TWIC -  by Mark Crowther
Chessvibes / by Peter Doggers
Video Analysis by Daniel King
Official Youtube LIVE commentaries by Susan Polgar, Lawrence Trent, GM Ramesh, Tania Sachdev with GM Daniel Gormally, Simon Williams
Lengthy video analysis by IM David Pruess , Youtube
OnlineChessLesson Youtube Video Analysis Round 6, FM William Stewart

World chess Championship 2013 Chennai , round 6
Magnus Carlsen wins with black - photo by Susan Polgar

Di ronde ke enam, Viswanathan Anand yang memainkan buah putih melawan penantang juara catur Magnus Carlsen akhirnya kalah lagi. Hasil catur dwitarung Anand-Carlsen pun sementara melonjak menjadi 4-2 untuk keunggulan Magnus Carlsen. Hasil yang sungguh spektakular, di mana di babak ke enam ini lagi-lagi Magnus Carlsen mengulang pola kemenangannya dengan bermain pelan tapi pasti hingga ke babak endgame. Di babak endgame inilah Anand termakan jebakan terakhir Carlsen. Di mana dalam posisi endgame benteng ini Anand sebenarnya masih bisa draw walaupun kalah 1 pion, namun tampaknya tekanan permainan yang berjam-jam membuat dia capek dan melakukan blunder di langkah ke-60 Benteng ke a2. Di sini Carlsen secara cerdik mulai memanuver pion f nya dan membuat bentengnya begitu kuat mengurung raja putih di file h. Benteng putih sendiri pun terjebak oleh buah pionnya sendiri. Alhasil pion f inilah yang menjadi kunci kekalahan Anand karena tidak bisa dicegah lagi. Hasil yang menggagumkan dari penantang juara catur dari Norwegia ini. Magnus Carlsen sekarang bisa dibilang sebelah kakinya sudah jadi sebagai Juara Catur dunia baru.

Berikut komentar ringan untuk partai ronde ke-enam, permainan catur Magnus Carlsen , untuk analisis yang lebih detail dari para GM bisa ditinjau di link-link di atas.

Komentar catur ronde ke-6,
Viswanathan Anand vs Magnus Carlsen 0-1, World Chess Championship 2013 Chennai
C65 - Ruy Lopez Berlin

Not joking you should check these in order to help us enjoy the rest of the game with more understanding, according to immediately trending in London Chess store...


Friday, November 15, 2013

Magnus Carlsen defeated Vishy Anand on Round 5 - World Chess Championship 2013

Komentar Partai catur dwitarung Magnus Carlsen vs Viswanathan Anand Round 5 1-0 ada di bawah

On round 5 of the World Chess Championship match between Viswanathan Anand vs Magnus Carlsen, the challenger finally scored the first point. The first blood draw , as we used to describe in that way. The battle between two of very good chess player of our age is finally on its way to reach the climax. Magnus Carlsen keep his opening tricky by playing 1.c4 and reach another very hard to predict middle game. Anand plays passive (according to some GMs comments) and must accept his fate going into inferior endgame. Who knows that Carlsen ability to convert small advantage is maximize in this situation. Both enter a rook endgame with Anand lesser by one pawn, and although he fight well, Anand resign on move 58. Magnus Carlsen had just won his first match game, the world championship match ever.

Compilation of Round 5 commentaries:

World Chess Championship 2013, Chennai
Magnus Carlsen vs Viswanathan Anand 1-0
D31 - Semi Slav Marshall Gambit Forgotten Variation

Official Website Game 5 Report Chessbase with
GM Alejandro Ramirez and Josh Friedel and alternate article
Chessdom - no commentaries due to Victoria's Secret?? and the report
TWIC - Carlsen beats Anand  game notes by Mark Crowther
Chessvibes / by Peter Doggers
Video Analysis by Daniel King
Official Youtube LIVE commentaries by Susan Polgar, Lawrence Trent, GM Ramesh, Tania Sachdev with GM Daniel Gormally, Simon Williams
Video Analysis by IM David Pruess
OnlineChessLesson Youtube Video Round 5

Meanwhile, after Chess succesfully defeated all the lingerie by Victoria's Secret, most GMs still ambitiously posted twitter to strengthen the #AnandCarlsen and #FWCM2013 tag in twitter which dedicated to this match.

Minutes after Anand resigned:

Mark Crowther ‏@MarkTWIC 45s
#AnandCarlsen very quick post-game press conference following Carlsen's game 5 win vs Anand. Anand labeled 34...Rd4 (Rg8) as decisive error

Mig Greengard ‏@chessninja 2m
Norwegian python: 1, Indian tiger: 0.

Hikaru Nakamura ‏@GMHikaru 10m
Good win for Carlsen. Sadly, this game highlights why chess is getting harder and harder to play as you get older.

Nazi Paikidze ‏@Doge93 12m
YESSS!!! First win for @MagnusCarlsen ! 1-0 #CarlsenAnand #FWCM2013

Nazi Paikidze ‏@Doge93 30m
It's nice to wake up and see Magnus beating Anand! #MagnusCarlsen FTW!!!

Jon Ludvig Hammer ‏@gmjlh 13m
Very well done @MagnusCarlsen. But now it's gonna get tough, playing a wounded tiger!

Earlier in the game

Anish Giri ‏@anishgiri 3h
Anand plays again passively for a draw, dismissing any chances to get double edged game. May still hold though, why not. #FWCM2013

Erwin l'Ami ‏@erwinlami 4h
Carlsen's gutsy 12.0-0-0 seems to be paying off. With 14.Nxc6 bxc6 15.Qxd8+ Bxd8 16.g3 he can claim an edge in the endgame. #FWCM2013

A decisive game to be follow on Magnus Carlsen vs Vishy Anand round 5 WCC 2013
photo from Susan Polgar

Di babak kelima dwitarung Kejuaraan Catur Dunia Anand vs Carlsen akhirnya mencapai hasil decisive, yaitu kemenangan untuk Carlsen. Magnus Carlsen, pecatur Norwegia yang baru berusia 23an berhasil menaklukan juara bertahan incumbent Vishy Anand melalui 58 langkah yang dalam dan menegangkan. Carlsen kembali bermain dengan strategi andalannya, menghindari pembukaan yang terlalu biasa di mana Anand akan lebih siap, tapi menggunakan pembukaan yang lebih 'jarang'. Di ronde lima, Carlsen melangkah 1.c4 namun segera bangunan di atas papan berubah ke tipe Gambit Menteri Ditolak / Queen's Gambit Declined. Melalui manuver-manuver di babak pertengahan Carlsen akhirnya pelan pelan makin mengumpulkan keuntungan positional. Di babak permainan akhir, Carlsen akhirnya unggul 1 pion dengan posisi rook-endgame, alias endgame benteng. Walaupun secara umum ending benteng ini gampang menjadi remis, tapi posisi Carlsen yang unggul pion-luar / outside pawn di file A dan file H, tidak mampu dilawan oleh Anand yang memegang buah hitam. Anand menyerah setelah pasti melihat salah satu dari kedua pion tersebut bakal meluncur bebas berubah menjadi Ratu maut.

Komentar partai catur dwitarung Magnus Carlsen vs Viswanathan Anand round 5 (untuk analisis yang lebih akurat dan dalam dari para GM bisa ditinjau di link di atas)

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Dwitarung Anand Carlsen round 4 World Chess Championship 2013

Komentar partai catur dwitarung Anand-Carlsen round 4 ada di game viewer di bawah

Round four of World Chess Championship match between Viswanathan Anand vs Magnus Carlsen was concluded yesterday. Still a draw result, but now the game was seriously in fighting mode. Round three already heating up the situation but round 4 was reaching even hotter. It was Berlin Defence games, Carlsen merely took only ten minutes for the opening while Anand looks thinking hard to choose the line. World had been hook to the excitement when Carlsen grab the a2 pawn with his bishop. Whether this was poisonous or not, as in Fischer vs Spassky game, few moves later it prove Black was making correct decision.  Unfortunately the advantage was too little to checkmate the World Champion. So after hard fight, Carlsen was unable to delivered the full point and the round agreed as a draw.

Garry Kasparov was there, and making big buzz about Berlin defence as respectable opening, which he lost to. Meanwhile Garry Kasparov will visit Indonesia today, he will landed to Jakarta as part of his FIDE Presidential campaign.

World Chess Championship 2013, after round 4 result:
Viswanathan Anand vs Carlsen, 2-2 of 12 games

Anand vs Carlsen round four, Chennai 2013
photo by Susan Polgar

btw, today's meme and most interesting twitter from @johnchess - Magners Carlsberg !

Compilation of commentaries of Round 4, Anand vs Carlsen 2013 Chennai

- GM Josh Friedel and GM Alejandro Ramirez in Chessbase
- GM Aman Hambleton and GM Vijit Gujrathi in Chessdom
- and Chessvibes - same article
- with GM Simon Williams and Daniel Gormally
- Official Youtube commentaries with GM Susan Polgar, Ramesh, Lawrence Trent and Tania Sachdev
- Daniel King Youtube analysis Anand- Carlsen round 4
- Ian Rogers accompanied with Garry Kasparov in USCF

Ronde empat dwi tarung Anand-Carlsen berlangsung lebih seru dari ronde tiga kemaren. Carlsen memegang buah hitam dan bermain pertahanan tembok Berlin/ Berlin Wall dari variasi Ruy Lopez. Diyakini Carlsen lah pihak yang menekan di ronde empat ini. Sepanjang langkah pembukaan Carlsen bermain sangat cepat di mana menandakan Carlsen masih di langkah-langkah persiapannya. Anand agak keteteran dan menurut pengakuan di post-game interview, Anand mengatakan pembukaannya memang tidak logical dan lemah. 

Fans catur kemudian tersentak ketika kesempatan merebut sebuah bidak di petak a2 tidak disia-siakan Carlsen. Permainan pun langsung terjun ke arah permainan tajam dengan hitam unggul satu bidak tapi putih memiliki koordinasi yang lebih rapi. Keunggulan tipis ini tidak bisa dikembangkan Carlsen lebih lanjut dan melalui pertarungan middle game yang berat, mereka mencapai posisi endgame dengan empat benteng. Putih mampu memaksa hitam ke arah remis, di mana keunggulan satu bidak adalah teorinya draw.

Berikut komentar lengkap partai catur dwitarung kejuaraan dunia 2013, Chennai.
Partai ini kaya dengan variasi-variasi yang tidak mampu disarikan dalam waktu cepat di sini. Untuk variasi-variasi yang akurat dan menarik semua bisa ditinjau di link-link di atas, di mana para Grandmaster menganalisis partai ini. Untuk komentar di sini hanya komentar-komentar ringan saja.

Vishiwanathan Anand vs Magnus Carlsen 1/2-1/2, WCC Round 4
Ruy Lopez C67 Ruy Lopez Berlin Wall

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Komentar Partai Magnus Carlsen - Vishy Anand Round 3 - World Chess Championship 2013

Komentar partai catur Magnus Carlsen vs Viswanathan Anand roonde tiga, berbahasa Indonesia ada di game viewer.

No more fishy looking draw games from Anand-Carlsen show. In round three, fans were spoiled, over-spoiled actually, when Carlsen got a draw offer but rejected. Well, it was a draw as the world know. Carlsen continue his only known strategy so far, giving slightly less played opening with Nf3-g3-c4?! and quickly survived the opening to get into his comfortable fighting middlegame.

Anand was considered by the world as having 'winning position' and more or less said to 'blew it away'. But Anand stated that the Bxb2 indeed 'enough compensation for White'. So, at least fighting two hours+ chess games from Chennai.

Today's 'meme' ...

Garry Kasparov is in the building.... and Anand respond ..."Like Elvis?" when asked about
photo from

Compilation of commentary of Round 3 -
Magnus Carlsen vs Viswanathan Anand  1/2-1/2 , World Chess Championship 2013

Chessbase by GM Josh Friedel and Alejandro Ramirez 
Chessdom by GM Aman Hambleton  and GM Vidit Gujrathi
Video Analysis IM Andrew Martin
Video Analysis Daniel King
Official YOUTUBE Channel - with Susan Polgar, Lawrence Trent, Tania Sachdev, GM Ramesh

Komentar lengkap untuk partai catur dwitarung Viswanathan Anand vs Magnus Carlsen ronde tiga. Di ronde ini Carlsen mengulang pembukaan Reti yang kemudian menjadi kategori Barza System ECO A07. Komentar  ini disarikan dari komentar-komentar Grandmaster yang bisa disimak di link di atas. Juga dari hasil komentator LIVE, Susan Polgar, GM Ramesh, Tania Sachdev, Lawrence Trent di official website. Hasilnya adalah draw alias remis. Diyakini di ronde tiga ini, Vishy Anand mencapai posisi yang 'winable' atau bisa menang, Anand kemudian bermain sedikit kurang tepat (kata pakar) di langkah 29. 

Selamat menikmati.

Partai Catur Dwi tarung Juara Dunia Chennai 2013
Magnus Carlsen vs Vishwanarhan Anand 1/2-1/2 ronde 3
Pembukaan Reti - Barza System - King Indian Attack - ECO A07

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Anand - Carlsen World Championship Round 2 - Draw

Chess World Championship between Viswanathan Anand vs Magnus Carlsen reached round two and another , short, draw. Carlsen was black, Anand started with 1.e4 and surprised by Carlsen's Caro Kann defence. The game did reach an hour but ended in 25 moves when Queens was exchanged and the board indeed looks drawish.

With this result we assumed both players are heading for more opening surprises strategy, and they did not want to go beyond unknown position.

Although two draws was disappointed to some chess fans, Garry Kasparov gives a chilling comments by saying his match with Anand started with 5 draws. Well, maybe not a short one, Garry.

A list of viewable game commentaries are here:

by GM Alejandro Ramirez and Joshua Friedel in Chessbase
This Week In Chess - Mark Crowther
by CM Peter Dodgers - Chessvibes
by Dennis Monokraossos
by IM Aman Hambleton - Chessdom
by IM Andrew Martin - video analysis Youtube
by Daniel King - video analysis  Youtube
by GM Bachar Kouatly - video analysis in FRENCH Youtube

Not much of comments, but today's bonuses are ... the World Chess Championship MEME...

btw, more chess MEME here.

Anand vs Carlsen , WCC 2013 Round 2:

1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. Nc3 dxe4 4. Nxe4 Bf5 5. Ng3 Bg6 6. h4 h6 7. Nf3 e6 8. Ne5
Bh7 9. Bd3 Bxd3 10. Qxd3 Nd7 11. f4 Bb4+ 12. c3 Be7 13. Bd2 Ngf6 14. O-O-O O-O
15. Ne4 Nxe4 16. Qxe4 Nxe5 17. fxe5 Qd5 18. Qxd5 cxd5 19. h5 b5 20. Rh3 a5 21.
Rf1 Rac8 22. Rg3 Kh7 23. Rgf3 Kg8 24. Rg3 Kh7 25. Rgf3 Kg8 1/2-1/2

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Anand vs Carlsen Round 1 - World Championship 2013

The historic Round One of Chess World Championship 2013 between Vishy Anand vs Magnuss Carlsen to begin in 15 MINUTES YESTERDAY!

The round 1 result is a draw. A short one with only 16 moves. In the live transmission we saw Carlsen arrived at the board earlier, agitated and nervous human body captured. We later found that Anand was only waiting and sit on a better sofa behind the scene. The game itself was interesting opening line, which Carlsen try offbeat opening with experimental moves order, from 1.Nf3 ... g3 .. b3 etc. Anand was able to refuted this 'surprises' and it was Carlsen who need to "pulled emergency break" (his own words) and did a repetition with Queen vs Knight and draw.

Reactions and compilations of Twitter / Facebook commentaries, interesting one!

Hikaru Nakamura : Got caught in a bad opening? Carlsen was white. It's pretty amazing to use 6-7 months of preparing on such nonsense. (Facebook)

Abhijeet Gupta ‏@iam_abhijeet
@parimarjan @Vachier_Lagrave @erwinlami I am sure Magnus would have continued if he had the black pieces in this position

MVL ‏@Vachier_Lagrave
@iam_abhijeet @erwinlami @parimarjan Probably. I would have continued as well, but that's the Grunfeld player not in a WC match speaking!

Yelena Dembo ‏@yelenadembo
And we have a short draw...

Nigel Short ‏@nigelshortchess
@yelenadembo But not a Short draw.
and  We were expecting the mother of all firework displays #AnandCarlsen but someone forgot to bring the matches.

Parimarjan Negi ‏@parimarjan
Sexy british accent and Red Bull smile save the day!

Anish Giri ‏@anishgiri
@MagnusCarlsen Couldn't believe his luck getting what seemed like a 'position'... dxc4! and illusions are gone! @vishy64theking #FWCM2013


Anand vs Carlsen, the round begin without handshake! (well..they did in minutes before this captured moment..)

the moves goes : 1.Nf3 d5 
Anand vs Carlsen Round 1 - opening board position

after 1.Nf3 d5 2.g3 g6 3.Bg2 Bg7 4.d4 c6 5.O-O Nf6 6.b3 O-O 7.Bb2 Bf5 8.c4 Nbd7
9.Nc3 dxc4 10.bxc4 Nb6 11.c5 Nc4 12.Bc1 Nd5  - Carlsen takes long thinking time at this point

the game then when DRAW in just  16 moves:

[Event "World Championship"]
[Site "Chennai"]
[Date "2013.11.09"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Magnus Carlsen"]
[Black "Viswanathan Anand"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]

1.Nf3 d5 2.g3 g6 3.Bg2 Bg7 4.d4 c6 5.O-O Nf6 6.b3 O-O 7.Bb2 Bf5 8.c4 Nbd7
9.Nc3 dxc4 10.bxc4 Nb6 11.c5 Nc4 12.Bc1 Nd5 13.Qb3 Na5 14.Qa3 Nc4 15.Qb3 Nc4 1/2-1/2

Monday, November 4, 2013

Menjelang Perebutan Juara Catur Dunia Anand vs Carlsen 2013

Selang waktu beberapa malam lagi, dunia catur akan kembali tersuguhkan perebutan tahta tertinggi gelar juara dunia catur. Sang juara bertahan adalah pecatur India, Vishwanathan Anand. Vishy Anand, berumur 43 tahun telah menggenggam gelar tersebut lebih dari 6 tahun semenjak kemenangannya di turnamen Juara Dunia tahun 2007 di Mexico City. Anand kemudian mempertahankan gelarnya dalam 3 duel dwi tarung catur, yaitu melawan Vladimir Kramnik (2008), Veselin Topalov (2010) dan Boris Gelfand (2012). Dalam kurun waktu dunia catur melahirkan calon penantang baru, yaitu si bocah ajaib dari Norwegia, Magnus Carlsen. Tidak seperti ketiga lawan Anand sebelumnya, Magnus Carlsen adalah pecatur yang hampir tiga generasi di bawah Anand. Magnus Carlsen sekarang berusia 22 tahun dan masih fresh tanpa pernah mengikuti turnamen juara dunia sebelumnya. Namun sebagai pecatur dengan elo rating tertinggi dalam sejarah, Magnus Carlsen adalah penantang paling serius yang diyakini pakar catur, sangat berpeluang menggusur singgasana Viswanathan Anand.

Kejuaraan Dunia Catur 2013 yang mempertemukan Vishwanathan Anand vs Magnus Carlsen akan diadakan di kota Chennai, India. Yang juga merupakan kota kampuang halaman si Anand. Partai pertama segera dimainkan tanggal 9 November 2013.

Partai Catur Vishy Anand vs Magnus Carlsen akan ditayangkan LIVE sekitar pukul 4.30 WIB, mulai tanggal 9 November 2013. Lihat Jadwal lengkap di tabel di bawah dan komentar per round di link di bawah ini:

ROUND 1 : Carlsen - Anand 1/2-1/2 - Reti / Barcza
ROUND 2 : Anand - Carlsen 1/2-1/2 - Caro-Kann
ROUND 3 : Carlsen - Anand 1/2-1/2 - A07 Reti / Barzca / King Indian Attack
ROUND 4 : Anand - Carlsen 1/2-1/2 - C67 Ruy Lopez Berlin
ROUND 5 : Carlsen - Anand 1-0 - D31 Semi Slav Marshall Gambit
ROUND 6 : Anand - Carlsen 0-1 - C65 Ruy Lopez Berlin
ROUND 7 : Anand - Carlsen 1/2-1/2 - C67 Ruy Lopez Berlin
ROUND 8 : Carlsen - Anand 1/2-1/2 - C67 Ruy Lopez Berlin
ROUND 9 : Anand - Carlsen  0-1 - E25 Nimzo Indian Saemisch
ROUND 10 : Carlsen - Anand 1/2-1/2 - B51 Sicilian Moscow

Final Score : Anand 3.5 - Carlsen 6.5

Berikut profil lengkap Vishwanathan Anand vs Magnus Carlsen

Vishwanathan Anand vs Magnus Carlsen 2013 - Statistics and Predictions

Viswanathan Anand

Magnus Carlsen


Current Elo

World Rank

WC  Match Records
 - Garry Kasparov 1995 (Lost),
 Anatoly Karpov 1999 (Lost),
Alexey Shirov 2000 (won),
 Vladimir Kramnik 2008 (won),
 Veselin Topalov 2010 (Won),
 Boris Gelfand 2012 (Won)


Previous Games Records

Non Classical
Known Second and other GMs work close to players (Confirmed and unconfirmed)
J. Ludvig Hammer
Peter Leko
Simon Agestein (manager)
Surya Ganguly
Laurent Fressinet (Rumoured)
Radoslaw Wojtaszek
Garry Kasparov (offered help)
Sandipan Chanda
Giri, Caruana, Kramnik (rumoured)

Prediction by GMs*
Garry Kasparov
Anatoly Karpov
No clear preferences, proud if Anand wins but “..Carlsen’s win will good for chess”
Vladimir Kramnik
Nigel Short
Abhijeet Gupta
Dibyendu Barua
Jon L. Hammer
Parimarjan Negi
Picked Carlsen but then switch to Anand in article
Sergey Karjakin
Susan Polgar
Hard to rate both players, experiences vs rising star match
Jenn Shahade
Carlsen, said in her St Louis lecture
Ben Finegold
Raised hand, when WGM Jen Shahade asked “Who think Carlsen will wins?”
Peter Svidler
When pressed more favour to Carlsen
Boris Gelfand
Seems to like Anand more
Sahaj Grover
P. Harikhrisna
Csaba Balogh
Levon Aronian
Carlsen, by 4-1 odd (Nigel Short’s twitter)

* to be updated until the first round begin... please informed me for more GMs predictions that are widely published
most of the "data" comes from

Compilation of LIVE Commentators:


Live Playchess commentary in English
Nov. 09
GM Daniel King + GM Simon Williams
Nov. 10
GM Daniel King + GM Yasser Seirawan
Nov. 12
GM Yasser Seirawan + GM Maurice Ashley
Nov. 13
GM Yasser Seirawan + GM Alejandro Ramirez
Nov. 15
GM Daniel King + GM Maurice Ashley
Nov. 16
GM Daniel King + GM GM Alejandro Ramirez
Nov. 18
GM Yasser Seirawan + GM Alejandro Ramirez
Nov. 19
GM Daniel King + GM Chris Ward
Nov. 21
GM Daniel King + GM Simon Williams
Nov. 22
GM Daniel King + GM Maxime Vachier-Lagrave
Nov. 24
GM Daniel King + GM Maurice Ashley
Nov. 26
GM Chris Ward + GM Simon Williams
Nov. 28
GM Daniel King + GM Chris Ward
French Language: Fabien Libiszewski, Christian Bauer, Yannick Pelletier, M. Vachier-Lagrave, Sebastien Maze
German : GM Klaus Bischoff, Thomas Luther
Spanish : Leontxo Garcia

CHESSDOM.COM - LINK - FREE which is also the OFFICIAL one
 IM Aman Hambleton, IM Tania Sachdev, and GM Vidit Gujrathi, GM Susan Polgar, IM Lawrence Trent, Ramesh RB

CHESS.COM - Link and Needed Membership
GM Irina Krush, Alex Yermolinsky, Dejan Bojkov, Melik Khachiyan, Jesse Kraai , FM Mike Klein
Immediately Post Game - GM Ben Finegold, IM Daniel Rensch

CHESSTV.COM - GM Shipov from Moscow

INTERNET CHESS CLUB (ICC) - Link and Needed Membership (Free Day 1 and 2)














CHESSGAMES.COM - Chat-Style Live - Member Only
Usually comes with live commentary which interacted with member directly, but no scheduled released yet...or I just can't find them. Regular GMs: Nigel Short, Natalia Pogonina
LIVE Commentary by GM Simon Williams and GM Daniel Gormally

Grandmasters who will likely post LIVE TWITs:

@FWCM2013 - official Twitter
@Vishy64King - official for Anand

Susan Polgar - @SusanPolgar
GM Jon Ludvig Hammer  - @GMJlh
Natalia Pogonina - @Pogonina
Malcolm Pein - @MalcolmPein
Nigel Short - @NigelShortChess
Garry Kasparov - @Kasparov63
Anish Giri - @AnishGiri
Peter Svidler - @Polborta
Jennifer Shahade - @JenShahade


Opening Ceremony
05.00.P.M. WIB
Game 1
04.00.P.M. WIB
Game 2
04.00.P.M. WIB
Rest Day
Game 3
04.00 PM WIB
Game 4
04.00 PM WIB
Rest Day
Game 5
04.00 PM WIB
Game 6
04.00 PM WIB
Rest Day
Game 7
04.00 PM WIB
Game 8
04.00 PM WIB
Rest Day
Game 9
04.00 PM WIB
Game 10
04.00 PM WIB
Rest Day
Game 11
04.00 PM WIB
Rest Day
Game 12
04.00 PM WIB
Rest Day
Tie Break Games
To be decided
Closing Ceremony
To be decided
official website :