Friday, November 22, 2013

Magnus Carlsen Is World Chess Champion - Anand vs Carlsen Round 10 Chennai

Magnus Carlsen is now officially World Chess Champion! When he leads the World Chess Championship match by 6-3 yesterday, most of chess fans already considered this lead too decisive and believe that Carlsen already new World Champion. But today's round 10 draw confirmed this status. The game gone nowhere although gone through hours of play in Sicilian theme defence. Anand replied promptly with c5 Sicilian defence to Carlsen's 1.e4. Clearly the (ex) World Champion wants the last fight by playing this instead of Ruy Lopez (Berlin). Carlsen opted for 3.Bb5+ a Moscow Variation and Anand played 3..Nd7. The game can be dulled but somehow got excited because Carlsen seemingly reject Anand's "draw offer" by avoiding repetition. Both player was able to continued the game to move 65 before called it as technical draw with only Knight on the board.

Final Score:

World Chess Championship 2013 Chennai

So by now, congratulations for Magnus Carlsen for being the 16th World Chess Champion, or the 20th in FIDE list. We also wish Anand to comeback soon in fighting chess, as he will need to play in the next Candidate tournament among other seven chess personalities.

It is interesting by now to see who can become the real challenger to Magnus Carlsen "new era" domination. Seeing how he destroyed Anand with three victories is of course putting some fear to his colleagues, confirmed this will be the new world champion who dominated in superiority. Let's immediately imagine the next Challenger for Magnus Carlsen throne next year:

Vladimir Kramnik - the most serious challenger for Carlsen, in the interview Kramnik believe he and Aronian will able to match Carlsen's chess.

Levon Aronian - almost only few years above Carlsen in term of generation, if there were no Carlsen, Aronian can be the next big things on chess for this age.

Veselin Topalov - his style will put chess to another super sharp battle in case Topalov once again triumph into the challenger position

Sergey Karjakin - in the same age to Carlsen by only months different. He is almost like a missing link between Carlsen-generation to Aronian and others. His chances in the candidate match are not great as he haven't prove to be consistently fighting on top elite circle of chess.

Peter Svidler - the same generation to Kramnik and Topalov. He is wildcard in the Candidate tournament and only by very strong hard work we shall see the reality of putting Svidler as Challenger next year. A veteran player with vast experiences and already cross sword with almost all living world champion in the '80 to '2010s, from Spassky, Karpov, Kasparov and others.

Shakhriyar Mamedyarov - His strength mostly on top when playing as team member of Azerbaijan. His style also aggressive and risky. But inconsistent performance in the last five years will raised high doubt of him able to snap the challenger spot.

Dmitry Andreikin - a new force from Russian Republic which we still do not know much more about his true strength. He come to Candidate tournament as runner up to 2013 World Cup. Much more to be prove on this young fellow.

or... shall Vishwanathan Anand once again regain his opportunity to make the chess comeback of the time?

Compilation of Round 10 reports and commentaries:

Chessvibes - game analysis Peter Dodgers and Daniel Rensch
Chessbase - game analysis by GM Alejandro Ramirez
Video Analysis - Daniel King
TWIC - Magnus Carlsen is 16th undisputed World Champion
LIVE Video with Susan Polgar, Lawrence Trent, GM Ramesh and Tania Sachdev

Congratulation to GM Magnus Carlsen from Norwegia as new world champion !

Pertandingan dwi tarung antara Vishwanathan Anand melawan penantangnya Magnus Carlsen usai sudah. Kemenangan akhirnya diraih oleh pecatur muda dari Norwegia, yaitu Magnus Carlsen, setelah di ronde ke sepuluh berhasil menahan remis Vishy Anand. Anand yang tertinggal sebanyak tiga point memilih pertahanan Sisilia yang diyakini lebih berpeluang membawa hasil menang-kalah bagi kedua belah pihak. Pilihan ini didasari pada kenyataan bahwa Anand musti menang di tiga sisa babak terakhir. Pilihan Anand ini disambut baik oleh insan catur dan rekan GMnya. Walaupun Anand tidak mampu menggiring permainan ke arah yang lebih baik, namun usahanya membuat Carlsen musti duduk bertahan selama beberapa jam. Baru setelah langkah ke - 65, kedua pemain menyudahi harinya dengan jabat tangan remis karena di atas papan catur hanya tinggal seekor kuda milik hitam. Perlu dicatat bahwa Carlsen sendiri sempat tidak mau bermain pengulangan tiga langkah dan memilih bermain terus ketimbang langsung remis.

Selamat untuk Juara Dunia catur baru, Magnus Carlsen. Ucapan selamat berdatangan di twitter dari rekan GM. Magnus Carlsen menjadi juara catur Klasik ke - 16 kalau dihitung di silsilah Juara Catur yang meraih gelar dengan mengalahkan juara sebelumnya. Kalau ditambah juara dunia catur FIDE yang meraih gelar melalui turnament KO, yaitu Khalifman, Topalov, Ponomariov and Kasimdzhanov, maka Carlsen menjadi juara ke-21.

Di usianya yang baru 23 tahun, Magnus Carlsen menjadi juara dunia Catur termuda kedua, setelah Garry Kasparov. Untuk Komentar partai catur ronde ke-10 antara Magnus Carlsen vs Vishwanathan Anand akan diupdate segera besok hari.......

Komentator Catur siaran Langsung LIVE sepanjang dwitarung Anand vs Carlsen, menurut laporan Chessdom sekitar 200-300 juta pemirsa menyaksikan pertandingan ini. Foto adalah Tania Sachdev dari India dan Lawrence Trent dari Inggris, keduanya master catur

Partai Catur dwitarung Juara Dunia 2013, Chennai
Magnus Carlsen vs Viswanathan Anand 1/2-1/2
B51 Sicilian Defence - Moscow

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