Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Vishy Anand vs Magnus Carlsen Round 9 - Dwitarung Juara Dunia Catur

The Prelude to Round 9

Meanwhile, a poll before Round 9:

Can Vishy Anand bounced back after his -2 score against Magnus Carlsen in WCC 2013 Chennai? free polls 


 Because he did it! Magnus Carlsen defeat Viswanathan Anand in a perhaps the most sharp and attacking games in the match, and perhaps the only one ever (but no, if Anand played kamikaze King's Gambit in the rest of the round). So it is +3 for Carlsen in the remaining three rounds, mean Carlsen only half point away for World Champion, just force a three fold repetition boy! In round 9, Anand opted for 1.d4, Carlsen for Nimzo-Indian, and Anand for 4.f3!, which by the way the variation name is Kmoch variation, ECO E20. So, hail Kmoch! But then the final position is Saemisch Variation, E25.

We were then get excited , some maneuver and suddenly Anand struck again, with 10.g4! We then got even excited when some smart commentators start saying that Kasparov played this move against Judit Polgar, Tilburg 1997. At this point Carlsen begin to think, and for first time in the match it seems like Anand able to give Carlsen a serious work to be done in the opening. Carlsen replied with castling, so did Anand and at some point Anand allowed Carlsen to put his knight on the strategic b3. At this point almost all engine started giving un-universal evaluation for both player. So, this is exciting games where engines is not 99% dependable by now, because even though the evaluation looks minus, but humans starts liking White position.

We then reach position where Anand had three line up pawn of e-f-g to start abusing Carlsen's king in the corner of king side. Carlsen pieces are line up in the 8-rank waiting , seems like waiting for the checmate. Anand think about 40 minutes and Queen goes to f4 to maneuver to h4, hoping his rook can come to backup the checkmate. Carlsen counter-calculated and see the best defence, so in the final tactical combination, Carlsen played b2! Anand continued the attack and Carlsen Queen-ed his b-pawn. In this point, alas,...alas,.. Anand blundered badly playing Nf1 to block the new  Queen check. If just Anand played 28.Bf1, the game is believed to be drawn only by best counter attack from Carlsen. So, that the match is almost over. The -3 in world chess championship is quickly a dejavu from Hou Yifan vs Anna Ushenina match, months prior! If during the match, chess was able to trigger "The Pyjamas Girls" and defeated Victoria's Secret, we can only hope for the best in coming years. 2013 World Chess Championship, After Round 9 Result: Anand vs Carlsen 3-6

Compilation of commentaries
Carlsen vs Anand round 9 0-1, Round 9 World Chess Championship 2013 Chennai
ECO E25 - Nimzo Indian Saemisch

Shocker! #FWCM2013
Anish Giri (@anishgiri) November 21, 2013

A new era is upon us. The Carlsen Era.
Lawrence Trent (@LawrenceTrentIM) November 21, 2013

End of an era... #AnandCarlsen
Nigel Short (@nigelshortchess) November 21, 2013

A sad finish. At least Vishy showed real fight today... #AnandCarlsen 
Nigel Short
(@nigelshortchess) November 21, 2013

Magnus deserves every bit of it, he is truly the best. That said I'm heart broken. Vishy you're a legend.
Tania Sachdev (@TaniaSachdev) November 21, 2013

Meanwhile this is from the day before Round 9:

Starting to realize that I am the only person who is going to be able to stop Sauron in the context of chess history. Hikaru Nakamura (@GMHikaru) November 19, 2013

Official Website Game 9 Report
Chessbase with GM Alejandro Ramirez and Josh Friedel and alternate article
Chessdom - Round 9 - Report
TWIC - by Mark Crowther
Chessvibes analysis by IM Danny Rensch / by Peter Doggers
Video Analysis by Daniel King
Official Youtube LIVE commentaries by Susan Polgar, Lawrence Trent, GM Ramesh with GM Daniel Gormally
Lengthy video analysis by IM David Pruess , Youtube
OnlineChessLesson analysis for Round 9, GM Ronen Har-Zvi

strange evaluation on the final move,... the actual Stockfish gives around -6 to -7, for Black's extra piece

Di babak ke sembilan dwi tarung catur Anand vs Carlsen, Magnus Carlsen meraih kemenangannya yang ke-tiga! Babak ini berjalan sangat tajam, sesuai komentar Anand sendiri di post-game interview, bahwa dia harus mengubah strategy pertandingan dan dia tidak menyesal memainkan openingnya. Anand bermain 1.d4, dijawab dengan Nimzo Indian oleh Carlsen, dan di sini Anand bermain line 4.f3! Di mana variasi line ini bernama Kmoch-variation, E20. 

Game kemudian berjalan taktis dan menjurus sangat tajam ketika Anand bermain 10.g4. Di mana langkah ini pernah dimainkan Kasparov melawan Judit Polgar di Tilburg 1997. Di langkah ini Anand memaksa Carlsen untuk berpikir panjang untuk pertama kalinya sepanjang dwi tarung. Carlsen memainkan langkah aman dengan rokade, disusul rokade oleh Anand. Dan kemudian Anand mengijinkan Carlsen meletakkan kudanya di petak strategis b3. Di poin ini, diyakini engine-engine mulai saling tidak sepakat dan permainan menjadi komplikasi rumit untuk bisa dianalisis dengan seksama. Beberapa komentator lebih senang berpihak pada putih, diyakini Anand sangat berpeluang untuk bisa memenangkan partai ini. Namun setelah Anand berpikir panjang hampir 40 menit, masuklah ke posisi di mana Anand memiliki tiga bidak e-f-g saling berjejer untuk menggempur raja Carlsen yang ada di sudut. Perwira-perwira Carlsenpun seakan tidak berdaya berjejer di barisan terakhir. Namun Carlsen berhasil mengkalkulasi pertahanan terbaik. Dengan langkah pion b2, hanya mengandalkan Ratu yang barusan promosi, Carlsen berhasil mencegah serangan Anand. Anand kemudian blunder maut di langkah 28 di mana dia menggunakan kuda untuk memblok skak dari Carlsen dan Carlsenpun bisa mencegah benteng Anand yang siap-siap mendukung serangan Ratu utk skak-mat. Akibatnya Carlsen menjadi memiliki satu perwira ekstra, yang oleh Anand lebih baik langsung menyerah saja, karena kombinasi serangan skak mat nya sudah gagal.

Andai Anand menggunakan Bishop/Gajahnya  untuk memblok, 28.Bf1, diyakini partai ini hanya akan draw dengan Carlsen perlu mencari konter-attack terbaik, karena Anand hanya 1-2 tempo dari skakmat. Di pers konferen, Anand berkata bahwa dia melihat langkah ini tapi mengira 28.Kuda-f1 lebih baik...di mana adalah blunder.

Ini adalah partai taktis yang penuh komplikasi,  untuk menyimak analisis GM yang lebih detail bisa dilihat di link-link di atas...

Komentar catur ronde ke-9,
Viswanathan Anand vs Magnus Carlsen 0-1, Round 9 E25 Nimzo Indian Saemisch
World Chess Championship 2013 Chennai

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