Saturday, November 16, 2013

Anand-Carlsen World Chess Championship Round 6 - Second Win by Magnus

Komentar Partai catur dwitarung Anand vs Carlsen round 6 ada di bawah 

The post-game interview saw Anand summed up the situation after Round 6 of World Chess Championship, "It is a heavy blow for me". Meaning the worst happened, Magnus Carlsen once again won the game, making it 4-2 for current standing on this World Championship of Chess match. Game six went in Ruy Lopez opening, Anand was white and Carlsen with black continued his Berlin line, only now Anand diverted with 4.d3 and 5.c3 setup. Carlsen pressing a bit and surprisingly the game reach a middlegame in which Black was quite active. Suddenly reaching the first time control, Black already one pawn ahead. For the challenger, one pawn was adequate and with Anand blundered in 60.Ra4, Carlsen found a creative trap to finish this rook endgame. His f pawn was the key and the rook smartly trap the white king on the unrecoverable h file, while his rook also semi trap by his own pawns. Carlsen score yet again, Tania Sachdev comments as pulling a rabbit out of a hat. Carlsen gives a creative endgame play, and according to twitter, right now Averbakh endgame books is trending!
The current score move to 4-2 for Carlsen favor in winning Chess World Champion title. The question by now, how Anand going to do to score +2 in 6 games. The round also saw yet again failure of post-game interview because the journalist was not doing their best job to find informative questions for both players. In fact, Anand uncharacteristically too exhaust to answer insignificant questions thrown to him.

Compilation of commentary of Anand vs Carlsen round 6, World Chess Championship 2013 Chennai

Official Website Game 6 Report
Chessbase with GM Alejandro Ramirez and Josh Friedel and alternate article
Chessdom - Round 6 comments by Tania Sachdev
TWIC -  by Mark Crowther
Chessvibes / by Peter Doggers
Video Analysis by Daniel King
Official Youtube LIVE commentaries by Susan Polgar, Lawrence Trent, GM Ramesh, Tania Sachdev with GM Daniel Gormally, Simon Williams
Lengthy video analysis by IM David Pruess , Youtube
OnlineChessLesson Youtube Video Analysis Round 6, FM William Stewart

World chess Championship 2013 Chennai , round 6
Magnus Carlsen wins with black - photo by Susan Polgar

Di ronde ke enam, Viswanathan Anand yang memainkan buah putih melawan penantang juara catur Magnus Carlsen akhirnya kalah lagi. Hasil catur dwitarung Anand-Carlsen pun sementara melonjak menjadi 4-2 untuk keunggulan Magnus Carlsen. Hasil yang sungguh spektakular, di mana di babak ke enam ini lagi-lagi Magnus Carlsen mengulang pola kemenangannya dengan bermain pelan tapi pasti hingga ke babak endgame. Di babak endgame inilah Anand termakan jebakan terakhir Carlsen. Di mana dalam posisi endgame benteng ini Anand sebenarnya masih bisa draw walaupun kalah 1 pion, namun tampaknya tekanan permainan yang berjam-jam membuat dia capek dan melakukan blunder di langkah ke-60 Benteng ke a2. Di sini Carlsen secara cerdik mulai memanuver pion f nya dan membuat bentengnya begitu kuat mengurung raja putih di file h. Benteng putih sendiri pun terjebak oleh buah pionnya sendiri. Alhasil pion f inilah yang menjadi kunci kekalahan Anand karena tidak bisa dicegah lagi. Hasil yang menggagumkan dari penantang juara catur dari Norwegia ini. Magnus Carlsen sekarang bisa dibilang sebelah kakinya sudah jadi sebagai Juara Catur dunia baru.

Berikut komentar ringan untuk partai ronde ke-enam, permainan catur Magnus Carlsen , untuk analisis yang lebih detail dari para GM bisa ditinjau di link-link di atas.

Komentar catur ronde ke-6,
Viswanathan Anand vs Magnus Carlsen 0-1, World Chess Championship 2013 Chennai
C65 - Ruy Lopez Berlin

Not joking you should check these in order to help us enjoy the rest of the game with more understanding, according to immediately trending in London Chess store...


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