Monday, January 5, 2015

Ni Hua Perfect Six at Australian Open 2015 - New Zealand Open Also Started

Just a couple days from 2015 we already seen a perfect six in chess. GM Ni Hua is fire on board with this perfect result, after six rounds at 2015 Australian Open Chess Championship. Playing against one GM and roughly IMs in the rest, Ni Hua managed to collect an Elo Performance of 3150 after these six victories. His strongest opponent was GM Murtas Kazhgaleyev from Kazakhstan in round 5. The standing after round 6 in 2015 Australian Open is:

1. GM Ni Hua CHN 2689 6.0
2. GM Khusnutdinov Rustam KAZ 2476 5.0
3. IM Morris James AUS 2378 5.0
4. GM Kazhgaleyev Murtas KAZ 2573 4.5
5. IM Illingworth Max AUS 2476 4.5
full results
Official Website  and LIVE GAMES with GM Ian Rogers commentaries

At almost the same time, New Zealand Open 2015 is also started. The events held in Davenport, Auckland, and also noted for its long history. Indeed this is the 122nd New Zealand Open and Blitz Championship. The official website is HERE.  Four GMs are participating, rating wise lead by GM David Howell. Indonesian chess lover should be noted that IM Irene K. Sukandar is participating. The event is well reported in Chessbase.

Standing after round 6 :

1. IM DIVE, Russell J  4.5
2. GM Bischoff, Klaus  4.5
3. GM Zhao, Xue4.5
4 GM Howell, David W 4.5
5. Sukandar, Irine Kharisma  4.0
full results

I wonder if both federation (Aussie and NZ) can coordinated each other and make the tournament's schedule in such a way that they are not happening at the same time. Perhaps both Australian Open and New Zealand Open can make a twin Oceania tourney. Perhaps with this arrangement, the region can attracted more "European" chess players. With two events, the journey to the southern part of the world will worth considering.

Photos from 2015 Australian Open:

GM Ian Roger in commentary area

GM Ni Hua vs WGM Julia Ryjanova, on his way to 6/6 later

Young talent Anton Smirnov vs FM Gregory Canfell, round 3

round 3, IM Bjelobrk Igor vs IM Illingworth Max 

round 3, IM Jones Richard S. vs GM Kazhgaleyev Murtas 

all photos generously provided by my friend on site "R.S".

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