Saturday, September 14, 2013

Rapid Chess ACP Cup 2013 in Semi Final

As posted on previous blog report, exciting Rapid KO event of ACP Cup is under way. The tournament is on show from the 13th of September to the 15th of September in Riga, Latvia. 16 very strong players come together and try to defeat each other in rapid time control.

In the battle for semi final spots, Svidler, Grischuk, Ponomariov and Nepomniachtchi  all destroyed their opponents to advance. See the pairing diagram below for full result:

ACP Cup 2013, semi final pairing diagram chart rapid. An event with 16 strong GMs  

Rapid play produced interesting miniature games as well as opening ideas, here two of exciting games from day 2 - ACP Cup 2013.

Teimour Radjabov - Peter Svidler 0-1, ACP Cup 2013

Teimour use a mixed of 1.e4 version of Catalan versus Peter's Sicilian-c5 defence. All white forces quickly gathered to attack on the kingside. But the move 21.Rbe1?! is to blame,allowing Peter to launch a sweet tactic that cost White a bishop after queen exchange. Peter won this nice rapid game.

21.Rbe1? then followed by 21..Bxd3! (left) ....... and final position (right)

Shakhriyar Mamedyarov - Ruslan Ponomariov 0-1, ACP Cup 2013
Dutch Defence

Even though having black and already secured one point, Ruslan played a brave Dutch Defence against Mamedyarov, who was World Rapid Champion. In the middle game where pieces are flying around, Mamedyarov finally broke in tactic when played 30.Nd4, manuevering his last piece to battle zone but pinned his own queen. Ruslan won several moves later in great tactical shoot.

Shakhriyar Mamedyarov - Ruslan Ponomariov 0-1, ACP Cup 2013

Follow each game LIVE here! Check the official website report of ACP Cup as well.

Rapid chess event in Knock Out format, ACP Cup 2013, Riga
Photos by Lennart Ootes from official website

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