Thursday, February 3, 2011

Ivanchuck won Gibraltar Chess 2011

Nigel Short finished the 2011 Tradewise Gibraltar Chess with a lot of wins, eight of them. But really it wasn't enough to win the tournament. Of all ten rounds Short sort of one point to the real tournament winner. He lost to Ivanchuck, which one point higher exactly taken from Nigel Short. Yes, that is Vasily Ivanchuck who didn't really roller coastering in this tournament, a 9/10 point, two draws only with GM Ruben Felgaer (ARG) and GM Victor Mikhalevski.

Nana Dzagnidze is highest woman with 7/9 followed by IM Melia Solome in same score but lesser tie break. Lots of woman playing here, and this is the pictures collection. Fabio Caruana is the highest in standing for youngest GM category, ahead of Richard Rapport and Ray Robson. Viktor Korchnoi is top suspected of highest standing in oldest GM as well. He lost the final round to GM Daniel Fridman, that's all.

Full Standing here.

Game selection: GM Viktor Bologan - GM Alexandr Fier 1-0, E30 Nimzo-Indian Leningrad

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