Sunday, January 30, 2011

Nakamura (and Tata Steel Chess 2011)

Well, here we go, some more glorification for GM Hikaru Nakamura. The last round drama, on paper is absolutely stunning anti climax. Naka drew Wang Hao (surprise....) , Anand draw Nepo in a +1 score for Anand Black's sicilian (my first lost of the Sicilian of the Month...), Carlsen draw Grischuk, Aronian draw Smeets, oh, and is it draw for the rest....? But even with a draw... Nakamura won (his first super) tournament, great and Banzai! It is good to see new (ouch..) face for the tournament,and present now, the USA flagship for chess, though they really still need to invite Kamsky next year!

In group B, was also half boring. Li Chao B pointed full score to Tkachiev for the last Asian pride. Hammer get one of his worst tournament performance by losing again to Fressinet. Then the who join the A club battle, saw some drama (yes), David Navara, who actually belong(ed) to elite press really hard to his competitor, GM Luke McShane, but dunno what happened, after 20. Bb6 Qd7 21. Qa4 Qxa4 22. Nxa4 Bd7 23. Nab2 Nc8 24. Rac1 Rf7 25. Bd8 suddenly the score went to 1/2-1/2 . With this Navara lost to McShane in tie break system, and looks clear it will be the Britton to be presented next year, in A team. But overall McShane is okay also, he had done well against elite in London tournament before. Last note on Group B is Wesley So, who wrapped last round with draw, a spiritful middle tournament with 4+ in a row is probably consolidation prize, for fans and himself. Still there's next year, and if only he really make it to elite, the country, region and continent will once again have more name to cheer. Le Quang Liem finished ahead of So in tie break system, very last note.

Waiit, group C. The last battle for B-ticket, Vocatura vs Illya Nyzhnik (yes, without copy paste) is another lost to awesome-Black-win-in-Sicilian , again. The boy is really almost there!, but 32. Nxd6+ Bxd6? is a draw! 33. Qh5 Nf6 34. Rxf6+ Kxf6 35. Qh6+ Kf5 36. Qh7+ Kf6 37. Qh6+ Kf5 38. Qh7+ Kf6 39. Qh6+ ½-½. It was a Q vs Q+R+R+B draw! Congratulation to Vocatura Daniele, queitly, stealthily, trying to slide Caruana in the future. And the awesome Illya boy is a "pending" star as well.

We hope to see more face, especially younger breed for next year, maybe Jorge Cori (no Latin American presentation this year?), and Richard Rapport to compete officially with Nyzhnik. Also Sjugirov of the Kalmykian is great also. And... bring back Ivanchuck.

Vocatura,Daniele - Nyzhnik, Illya

Turnament tahunan super kuat, Tata Steel Chess (dulu Corus Chess) di kota Wijk Aan Zee Belanda usai dengan kemenangan pecatur US GM Hikaru Nakamura di group B. Si darah Jepang membawa pulang tropi dengan setengah angka lebih baik dari pecatur ber-elo banyakan seperti Anand (juara dunia), Carlsen (ex-no.1 rating), Kramnik (ex-juara) dll. Ronde terakhir cukup seru drawnya, semua draw LOL... Dengan ini era USA dengan Hikaru tampaknya resmi dimulai, Hikaru akan mewakili lagi di turnament kuat hadiah dari memenangkan turnament ini, Bilbao Chess master. Turnament ini adalah bagian dari Grand Slam catur, selain itu adalah Dortmund, Linares, M-Tel dan Pearl Spring di Cina.

Di Group B, pertandingan puncak GM David Navara vs Luke McShane juga berakhir remis, walaupun putih seharusnya menekan cukup kuat ke hitam, tapi Navara, yg konon kabarnya mengalami autisme di masa muda, tak cukup kuat mengalahkan si orang Inggris McShane. Posisi akhir adalah McShane yang akan naik divisi ke grup A taon depan. Wesley So musti puas main lagi di grup B tahun depan, dan pecatur Vietnam Le Quang Liem memperbaiki peringkat dan lebih baik tie breaknya dari saingan Philipin nya.

Di Group C, pecatur 14 tahun (coba bayangkan anak lebay Indonesia usia 14 tahun) yg sudah bergelar GM nyaris naik ke divisi B, blunder di pertandingan kritis melawan pecatur 21 tahun Daniele Vocatura (lihat diagram). Hasilnya si bocah cuma mendapat hasil remis akibat di skak abadi putih dan puas di posisi 2. Vocatura akan join dengan Wesley So (dan mungkin Shirov) di group B tahun depan.

Seusai Tata Chess, masih ada turnament seru di Gibraltar. Ronde terakhir menyaksikan Ivanchuck merebut posisi puncak dari Nigel Short, yang sebelumnya tampil ngetop dengan 5/5. LIVE show di Chessbomb dan web resmi.

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