Saturday, January 22, 2011

Tata Steel Chess 2011 So is leading

Even the B group news is good enough to write in for Tata Steel Chess. Wesley So is leading again, in his specialist tournament, the Corus Tata Steel Chess 2011. Tonight a win against very serious opponent GM David Navarra put him on top of group B, again. Must be thanks to is GM Le Quang Liem who manage to give some bitter to previously sweet sole leader GM Luke McShane. Wesley So track record in previous Wijk Aan Zee tournament are :
2009 - Winner in Group C
2010 - 5th in Group B

In Group A, Hikaru Nakamura on lead, but admitted that he will only plays big dogs starting his twitter.

In Group C, young boy Nyzhnyk is going to punish all chess bloggers by winning this and make us remember permanently how to spell his name correctly.

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