Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Chennai Open and Gibraltar 2011

Apart from the ongoing Tata Chess Steel, there is a massive chess competition on Indian peninsula. Chennai is hosting an annual event that attracted 300+ players, mostly above 2000+ elo as shown in chessresult.com pairing. But up to last phase, round 11 will see a top rank rivalry between foreign aka. non Indian players. The foreigners are Israelite Nabaty Tamir and Alon Greenfeld facing Ukraine GM Alexander Areshchenko and Martyn Kravtsiv, all four with 8.5 points. Closely behind now is China man GM Ni Hua and three locals Sundararajan Kidambi,  Pradeep Kumar and GM Adhiban B. See Chess result and report here.

UPDATE, Martyn Kravtsiv beat Alon Greenfeld in the last round and clinched the title. He was solely on that because the other pairing,Nabaty Tamir vs Alexander Areschchenko, ended up a draw. Last standing top 5:
1. GM Kravtsiv Martyn UKR 2566 9.5
2. IM Nabaty Tamir ISR 2565 9.0
3. GM Ni Hua CHN 2645 9.0
4. GM Areshchenko Alexander UKR 2671 9.0
5. GM Adhiban B IND 2530 IOC 9.0

On Gibraltar, round one started yesterday with 99% decisive result. Ivanchuck, Onischuk, Nisipeanu, Adams, Short, Caruana and Kiril Georgiev are playing. This surely will going to be a nice show for the end of Tata Chess Steel on next week. Interesting game is in Georgiev Kiril vs Natalia Zhukova games, where a time trouble seem take effect in the very last setup. Official site :  http://www.gibraltarchesscongress.com/
Top player playing http://www.gibraltarchesscongress.com/gib2011/whois.html

Tata Steel Chess still give space for leader in almost all three groups till round 9. Wesley So lost moments to Li Chao and Liem gained more point defeating Fressinet.On Group A Grischuk and Shirov on last places, Anand, Kramnik , Aronian and Maxime LV still undefeated.

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