Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Anand-Topalov R12 and others teasers

Last two rounds of Anand-Topalov saw exciting 'draw' and tonight the very last round should begin... after the sooooo many rest days in this match. Somehow the rest day kills the momentum for spectator!

Other chess teasers to consolidate the rest day are the Azkaban Astrakhan, as inspired by Chess Ninja. It is the last FIDE Grandprix and everybody love to see who the last person qualified for the next Championship cycle. The first round see only Gashimov give us the lucky decisive result over Ivanchuck. Teimour Radjabov is said the highly candidate to pass through the Championship cycle. See http://astrakhan2010.fide.com/live-games.html for LIVE games.

Going into Asia, the 2010 Commonwealth championship also started. Play in Parsvnath from 9th to 19th May, this is the event suppose to be exclusively Commonwealth nations only, but something happened and we got Dreev and also somebody from Argentina, Venezuela, Ukraine coming in. Well, the British is the most welcoming people isn't it? See LIVE games here http://www.monroi.com/watch/?tnm_id=1378 and http://www.delhichess.com/

Last is the quite strong event in Sarajevo, the 40th Bosna International Chess. Today the event reach round 7. With many notable GMs in play like Timofeev, Gustafson, Wang Hao, Nisipeanu, Sokolov playing. Here I select one game that people should know and watch, it is highly entertaining, again from the brain of Nisipeanu.

See Bosna 2010 http://open2010.skbosna.ba/en,  LIVE games http://open2010.skbosna.ba/en/page/gamesa and RESULT.

Last I think Anand-Topalov match will also remembered by its many "one minute silence" because after Campomanes (1927-May 3, 2010) now it is turn for Andre Lilenthal (1911 - May 8, 2010), Feodor Skripchenko (May 8th 2010) and now latest news is William "Bill" Hook (1925-9th May 2010). RIP.

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