Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Anand-Topalov 4-4 Round 8

Very exciting match in Anand-Topalov Championship battle. Basically all games are of great quality except ,maybe, the first round where Anand blundered the opening phase. The last round yesterday, round 8 , was a landmark come back by Topalov after being at behind from round 4. Topalov actually managed very hard to achieve this in round 7 where via chessbomb I can see his 'Stockfish' point almost +1 in several moves and a surplus of almost 45 minutes to Anand.

In Game 8 after the Topalov's 23.Ne4 the game become very sharp although looks like a dull draw base on material assesment. And the game went into complicated endgame where White's King is actively join in the battle zone. According to some expert Anand's 54.Bc6 killed all the drawing chances and here we go, an exciting 4-4 score in 2010 championship match.

The whole Championship being covered intensively by major chess site. I will post link to chessvibes, where you got all the links over there.

Women GP Nalchik
Meanwhile in Nalchik, after round 8, Tatiana still leading albeit draw against Betul. GM Zhao Xue scored second win over Mongolian Munguntuul Batkhuyag. Battle of two GM, Dzagnidze Nana and GM Hou Yifan ended in Nana's favour. Armenian IM Lilith Mkrtchian also scored nice Sicilian win over WGM Baira Kovanova.

See http://nalchik2010.fide.com/

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