Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Caruana Kalahkan Vishy Anand - Round 10 Candidate Tournament 2016

bahasa Indonesia di bawah:

FIDE World Chess Candidate Tournament 2016 in Moscow reaching the crucial 10. Fabiano Caruana won his second game, tonight against Viswanathan Anand and grab the second place in current standing. Elsewhere, Vishy Anand must down to 3rd place in current standings. The game between Caruana vs Anand in round 10 happened with English Opening, Four Knights variation. The line was played several times in this very tournament and become the thematic testing ground. The same variation played in other two games at the same times in round 10! Caruana won the middlegame after Anand allowed a dangerous bishop sacrifice in h6, opened up the pawn defenders in black kingside. Anand quickly try to restore the position by offering counter sacrifice but he did several mistakes that cost the game. See the game commentary below for English Opening Four Knights variation happening this 2016 year!

Caruana meraih kemenangan keduanya di turnament kandidat penantang catur 2016 di round 10. Dengan bekal 2 menang dan 8 remis, Caruana berhasil mengejar pecatur saingannya Sergey Karjakin di posisi atas klasemen sementara. Vishy Anand yang sebelumnya bersanding dengan Karjakin harus menerima posisinya turun sedikit. Walau demikian persaingan papan atas antara Karjakin - Caruana - Anand - Aronian masih diperhitungkan.

photo from official website -

Di partai catur Caruana vs Anand, pembukaan English variasi empat Kuda menjadi tema ronde ini. Di papan lain juga dimainkan variasi ini oleh Aronian vs Topalov dan Peter Svidler vs Nakamura. Kedua papan tersebut draw sedangkan Caruana memetik kemenangan. Hal ini terjadi karena di babak tengah Anand membolehkan terjadi korban berbahaya dari putih, gajah makan pion di h6. Korban ini segera dicoba ditangkis oleh Anand dengan mengirimkan kudanya untuk jadi tumbal, namun di langkah berikutnya Anand membuat kesalahan yang bisa dieksploitasi oleh Caruana. Lihat komentar partai catur di bawah ini sekaligus essay pembukaan English variasi Empat kuda yang terjadi selama tahun 2016.

Partai Catur Fabiano Caruana vs Vishwanathan Anand 1-0, Moscow Candidate 2016

Post Game Analysis

Peter Svidler vs Hikaru Nakamura 
photo from official website -

Partai Catur Peter Svidler vs Hikaru Nakamura 1/2-1/2, Moscow Candidate 2016:

Levon Aronian vs Veselin Topalov 2016
photo from official website -

Partai Catur Levon Aronian vs Veselin Topalov 1/2-1/2, Moscow Candidate 2016

Anish Giri's tenth draw in the tournament!

Partai Sergey Karjakin vs Anish Giri 1/2-1/2, Moscow Candidate 2016

2016 Chess Candidate Tournament Moscow, standings after round 10:

Karjakin,Sergey  6/10
Caruana, Fabiano  6/10
Anand,Viswanathan  5.5/10
Aronian, Levon 5.5/10
Giri,Anish  5/10
Svidler,Peter  4.5/10
Nakamura,Hikaru  4/10
Topalov,Veselin  3.5/10

(just replace the "round-10" with round-x ....) 

(this happened to be blocked in some country...just try it)

Lihat Round 6
Lihat Round 7
Lihat Round 10
Lihat Round 12

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