Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Partai Jadul Jacob G Baay (Pecatur Indo-Belanda) tahun 1951

Jacob G. Baay is chess player who lives in Indonesia in the World War II period. He continue to play in Java island, Indonesia, and make a fame in the region. Here is a newspaper report from Australia about his participation in the continent's Australian Championship 1951. He was playing George Karoly, strong local master. The games deciphered from The Sunday Herald, Sidney May 27th 1951, editor and annotation by Gregory Koshnitsky, a local master as well.

See Jacob G. Baay games vs Frank Crowl from The Sidney Morning Herald here.

Tahukah anda di era perjuangan tahun '40an, Jacob G. Baay adalah pecatur yang aktif di Indonesia, teristimewa pulau Jawa. Jacob bekerja sebagai agen persurat kabaran, dia bermain di Kejuaraan Belanda 1948 dan Kejuaraan Australia 1951. Berikut adalah salah satu partai catur yang berhasil direkam media pers dari Australia.

Partai Catur Jadul dari Kliping koran The Sunday Herald tanggal May 27th, 1951. Editor Gregory Koshnitsky

Jacob G. Baay vs George Karoly, Brisbane 1951
Australian Championship 1-0
C88 Ruy Lopez

The Sunday Heral, Sidney May 27th 1951

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