Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Partai Catur Jadul Nainggolan vs Ong Yok Hwa 1966

Sebuah cuplikan partai catur di tahun 1966 kembali saya temukan di surat kabar asing, yaitu di The Canberra Times. Tanggalannya adalah 21 Juli 1966. Partai Catur ini mengupas pecatur Nainggolan (Putih) dan pecatur legendaris Indonesia yaitu Ong Yok Hwa (hitam). Di kolom catur tersebut, pecatur Ong Yok Hwa disebut sebagai pemenang "Challenger Tournament 1965", namun tidak dijelaskan lebih detail turnamen apakah gerangan di tahun tersebut. Pecatur Ong Yok Hwa dikenal juga dengan nama Eddy Rusli. Di Partai Catur ini hitam bermain Pembelaan Pirc / Pirc Defence. Silahkan disimak partai catur jadul di bawah ini:

The Canberra Times dated 21 July 1966 put in a chess games between Indonesian player of the 60s. White was Nainggolan and black was Indonesian famous player Ong Yok Hwa aka Eddy Rusli. In this chess column by The Canberra Times, the editor Mautner, comments on the game which played on Pirc Defence. Black successfully penetrated White's centre because of the d-files weaknesses by White. It was reported that Ong Yok Hwa was Challenger Tournament winner of 1965, but not detailed on what "Challenger Tournament" it was.

The Canberra Times Chess Column scan

from The Canberra Times Chess Column 21 July 1966

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