Wednesday, May 30, 2012

World Celebrates Champion in Anand-Gelfand 2012

The World Chess Championship of 2012 have come the bittersweet end, Anand and Gelfand push around and finish the compulsory classical time chess games in 6-6 score out of 12 rounds. The tie break to decide the ultimate chess champion will be done soon. In will be a battle of four rapids following 9 set of blitz game and an armageddon, can you believe it.

Okay, here the tie break edition of "Grandmaster commentaries compilation", I hope everyone enjoy, I uploaded this two hours earlier to the game. Here the premonition, early bragging, quotation of many chess celebrities for the historic match before the start of tie break round.

Magnus Carlsen - twitter
Really looking forward to the tiebreak of Anand-Gelfand tomorrow. It's like in football, even after a boring 0-0 draw you want to watch ET

Mikhail Golubev ‏@mikhail_golubev
I hope that Anand & Gelfand will play today some interesting games at least. Whether this rapid is of the paramount importance, I doubt so.

Silvio Danailov ‏@SilvioDanailov (President of European Chess Union)
Waiting for exciting tiebreak today.So far,the most interesting thing of the match were the paintings from Tretyakov gallery:)
Anand’s the favourite in that format against any opponent. It’s his thing. His game. On the other hand, Gelfand has in his favour the fact that he plays tiebreaks extremely well. If they were simply going to play a match in rapid chess then Anand would be the clear favourite, but Gelfand has a very good ability to concentrate at the essential moment, and he plays tiebreaks extremely strongly. So I’d say the question of who’ll win a tiebreak (if, of course, one takes place) remains an open one.

After Rapid 2 Anand - Gelfand 1.5-0.5
Rapid 2, Sicilian Rossolimo. After a messy king exposed for both side, Gelfand give up pawn for piece coordination. In a second he seems managed to solve the problem, but in time trouble, Gelfand didn't survive. It was a 77 moves game.

Erwin l'Ami ‏@erwinlami
@SusanPolgar Feel chesswise Gelfand is not inferior this match. He basically outplayed Vishy from a very difficult (prepared!) position.

Jon Ludvig Hammer ‏@gmjlh
Watching the exciting WCC final. Go Nielsen ;)

Alexander Ipatov ‏@Ipatov_Chess
I think the next game Gelfand will start with 1.c4 avoiding long theory. But who knows,maybe he will go for some rare line in Slav.

Mark Crowther ‏@MarkTWIC
Svidler, 160 million people for live broadcast in Tamil and Hindu according to the official site. 225,000 people listening to English broadcast.

Rapid 3 and 4 - World Champion Viswanathan Anand defended his title!
In Rapid 3, Gelfand put in excellent opening in Semi-Slav and in fact get a +2 score from engines. He blowed up Nxe4 with a blunder Rxb8 and draw. The Rapid 4 saw Gelfand attacking from Black side of Sicilian, firing most of his pawn, but then time trouble again press Gelfand unable to crack Anand. It's a draw and overall the World Championship match only produced 3 decisive result!

Anand: "I'm mainly relieved, I understand that in all fairness this match could have gone either way."
"I cannot remember such a black day as after game 7. Game 8 was very important for my morale."

Pogonina At first I wanted to go for a walk with @Kosteniuk, but now I am enjoying the show and hoping for blitz! :D

Anand says he wasn't trying to get to the tie-break like many people thought. But also didn't want to do something crazy to avoid it.

Both players are smiling shyly and saying that it's not the right time to disclose who helped them unofficially besides the seconds.

Gelfand: The public started wanting me to retire since 1998. "Wrong format; weak opponents; swan's song". I am just doing my job.
Erwin l'Ami ‏@erwinlami
I'm amazed how Gelfand keeps the game going! Extremely resourceful 
Spectaculair final day! These rapids could easily have gone either way!

Susan Polgar ‏@SusanPolgar
Anand did his job. Gelfand can claim moral victory for putting Anand against the ropes but almost doesn't count in a World Championship

Ian Nepomniachtchi@lachesisq
It was hard to call the Gelfand favorite, but he acted convincingly, and perhaps deserved success of the outcome to a greater extent.

from 29 May
Hikaru Nakamura ‏@GMHikaru
I must be a very bad chess player since I keep liking Anand's positions and he keeps offering draws instead of trying to win.

Sergey Shipov's Chess in Translation for All Rapid Games
Gelfand – Anand, rapid game 1
Anand – Gelfand, rapid game 2
Gelfand – Anand, rapid game 3
Anand – Gelfand, rapid game 4

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