Sunday, May 20, 2012

World Celebrates Gelfand's Win in Anand-Gelfand 2012

As the world cry out for a decisive game in the duel of Anand vs Gelfand, the champion lost its ground and must surrender to the challenger in round 7. I've compiled most of resources available on net and try to put into one page. This is to give the idea of several brains commenting the game together. The sources are presents in the links below and this is just for fun.

Post Game serious analysis:
GM Sergey Shipov with Dan MacKenzie translation
GM Gilberto Milos and IM Malcolm Pein in Chessbase

During game commentaries: with GM Arkadij Naiditsch
Natalia Pogonina and joined by Ray Keene at Chessgames

During game commentaries, rantings, cry out, patzers etc from various sources, Twitter, chessgames etc, with Susan Polgar, Mark Crowther (TWIC), Erwin L'Ami, Nigel Short, Karpov, Leko etc. This is not even include extensive dialog found in official videos.

[Event "Anand-Gelfand World Chess Championship"]
[Date "2012.05.20"]
[Round "7"]
[Result "1-0"]
[White "Boris Gelfand"]
[Black "Viswanathan Anand"]
[ECO "D45"]

The Opening, the c5 and another drawish game?
1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.e3 e6 5.Nf3 a6 6.c5
GM Naiditsch
1. d4 Gelfand is starting with the usual 1.d4, another Slav coming?
1... d5 2. c4 c6 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. e3 e6 5. Nf3 a6 Of course, this is the modern opening at top level, Slav with a6 today!

(Shipov) 6.c5 Let’s study a new variation! White closes the game in hopes of obtaining a large space advantage.

(Malcolm Pein) 6.c5 I was more or less expecting this at some point as it's often the critical test of a6. There is a hole on b6 and Black's natural freeing attempt e5 cannot be played in one move. Of course b7-b6 is a natural response Nbd7 7.Qc2

The novelty
..Nbd7 7.Qc2 b6 8.cxb6 Nxb6

(Shipov) 7.Qc2
A very clever introduction. Can it be that White has no more useful, more developing moves? [7.b4 is more like what I expected.

Natalia Pogonina: 7. Qc2 is a rare move, usually White plays 7.b4. I like how Gelfand gave Anand a probing stare after the move to check out whether Vishy is surprised or not.

Erwin l'Ami ‏@erwinlami
Gelfand played 6.c5 a few times before. His wins against Miroshnichenko and Feller (both 2008) are worth checking out

Erwin l'Ami ‏@erwinlami
For the forth time Gelfand tries to break the a6-system. With 6.c5 a different strategic game arises as in games 2, 4 and 6.

Susan Polgar
I'm not sure if I like the idea of 7...b6 too much. Obviously Anand has something prepared. We'll see if his idea is good. I like White here

Natalia Pogonina: 8... b6 is a novelty. Boris gave Vishy a worried and disgusted look: what are you doing, dude?! The typical moves were b6 and c5.
(Shipov) A novelty! Here Black has usually played 8...Qxb6 . For example, 9.Na4 Qc7 10.Bd2 Be7 11.Rc1 Bb7 12.Bd3 a5 13.0–0 0–0 14.Rfd1 Rfc8 15.a3 Ba6 and Black is close to equality. S. Loiret - M. Grabarczyk, Cappelle-la-Grande 1994

Anish Giri ‏@anishgiri
Enjoying following WCh match after a fine tournament in Malmoƫ, with modest but solid +1! Looking forward to play again soon!

Grischuk myth busting: "in 98/99% of cases there's no such thing as a good or bad pawn structure. Everything depends on the pieces."

Pavel Eljanov ‏@Eljanov
@SusanPolgar Hi,Susan! It`s not a secret.

Susan Polgar ‏@SusanPolgar
@Eljanov Hi Pavel, are you working with Boris this time?

Suat Atalik on ICC about World #Chess Championship Game 7 Gelfand-Anand. Promises, promises. "Somehow I don't expect this game to be a draw"

the Development
9.Bd2 c5 10.Rc1 cxd4 11.exd4 Bd6 12.Bg5 O-O 13.Bd3 h6 14.Bh4 Bb7 15.O-O Qb8 16.Bg3 Rc8 17.Qe2 Bxg3 18.hxg3 Qd6

Levon Aronian ‏@LevAronian
World Championship matches should be take as a single game of chess.First you develop, then you try to find a weak spot, then you attack.

Natalia Pogonina: Grischuk is saying that Vishy might be having problems playing against people who are clearly hating the opponent (like Kasparov and Nakamura).

(Alberto Milos) 12...0-0 13.Bd3 h6 14.Bh4 Bb7 If Black plays the idea .. .a5-Ba6, to exchange his bad bishop, then the b5 square would be weakened. 15.0-0 White's plan is Qe2-Ne5-f4. Qb8 controlling e5 and intending ...Rc8 and Nh5 or Nfd7. If White plays Bxf6 he will lose control of the black squares and there is no clear way to attack the king. 16.Bg3 after this White plays to control the black squares e5 and c5 and against the bad bishop on b7.

Malcolm Pein ‏@TelegraphChess
@SChevannes and to think, I taught that commentator how to play chess on The One Show

Sabrina Chevannes ‏@SChevannes
Apparently that penalty shoot out was like a game of #chess! Why do they always say stuff like that?! #championsleaguefinal

Grischuk: "14.h4 reminds me of a common joke about AK in poker: It's like Anna Kournikova. It looks good but it never wins."

Malcolm Pein ‏@TelegraphChess
14...Bb7 Boris perhaps a little better but the key is we have imbalance and potential for complexity No exchanges yet!

Susan Polgar ‏@SusanPolgar
15...Qb8 This is a strange looking move. Anand is willing to let Gelfand play 16. Bxf6. The question is why?

(Shipov) ....Qb8 A strange and, if it had been played by anyone but Anand, I would have said an artificial maneuver. Why go in for such tricks when therte are so many simple, natural moves? I understand that he is not afraid of the trade on f6. But in fact, the arrangement of Black’s heavy pieces (the queen has made itself scarce, the rook on a8 is locked up) gives White some grounds for taking on f6.

Mark Crowther ‏@MarkTWIC
RT @erwinlami: I'd definitely prefer white's position. Even thinking of the extravagant 18.fxg3!? here. #anandgelfand

Erwin l'Ami ‏@erwinlami
Idea of 21.Qd2 is 21...Nxg4 22.h3! and Qxh6, or 21...Nxh5 22.Qxh6! Nf6 23.Kh1! Ng4 24.Rg1! (and Rxg4!)

(Shipov) 18…Qd6
Vishy positions his pieces solidly. He still needs to think about how to activate his brigade of pieces on the queenside. The knight on f6, which is not attacked by anything, guarantees the king a healthy life. There is time for unhurried positional maneuvers.

Malcolm Pein ‏@TelegraphChess
Boris evidently thinks he just has a good squeeze on. He has a point. Not obvious how Vishy continues but perhaps a5 is playable

Susan Polgar ‏@SusanPolgar
Once again, Gelfand is playing for 2 results. The stake is huge so he wants to take no chances. Is it the right or wrong decision?

Mark Crowther ‏@MarkTWIC

Nigel Short "Wrong. It was crying out to be played." commenting on L'Ami's doubt about playing 17.Bxf6 in my Facebook timeline.

Erwin l'Ami ‏@erwinlami
@MarkTWIC Right, I also changed my mind later on!

Natalia Pogonina: It's also a matter of mentality, approach to chess. GM Korobov, a sharp attacking player, also supports the plan I have suggested and says that f6 was a good try to play for a win. Meanwhile, Leko and Gelfand are more positional, so I guess they they were reflecting on the position in terms of black squares, two-bishop advantage, etc.

the Middlegame
19.Rc2 Nbd7 20.Rfc1 Rab8 21.Na4 Ne4 22.Rxc8+ Bxc8 23.Qc2
Susan Polgar
21. Na4 Gelfand did not find anything spectacular. It is a difficult position. White is better but not enough for any serious break through.

Mark Crowther ‏@MarkTWIC
World #Chess Ch. Gelfand-Anand Gm7 21.Na4 played by Gelfand after some thought. He's a tiny bit better but draw probable

Ray Keene: Very impressive that Natalia predicted Rc2 and Rfc1-i wd have been all for sacking pawns with Ne5 or-failing that-planting a white N on e5 and attacking with f4. I must admit that even the heretical anti concentric recapture fxg3 -rather than hxg3-had crossed my mind to open the f file.

Karpov now on official site English commentary. He and Leko both think that 21.a3 was better than 21.Na4.

GM Arkadij Naiditsch

21... Ne4 Vishy is playing now a really surprizing 21...Ne4. This move gives some choice. Why Black played 21...Ne4 and not Rxc2 followed by Bc6-Bb5? It is impossible he has not seen the option. He was afraid of something? Maybe-but of what!?..

(Shipov) 21.Na4
It looks as if the knight is going straight to c5. But did Boris consider the possibility that Black might activate his bishop by means of … Bb7-c6-b5? Let’s say, after the trade of a pair of rooks on c2. Apparently he is planning to take on c2 not with the rook, but with the queen. I have to look at this…21…Ne4?! Vishy has clearly decided to play too prophylactically. It looks as if he is willing to endure the hardship of an inferior position merely for the sake of not having to calculate any complicated and deep variations. This is old man’s chess, to be blunt.

(Malcolm Pein) 21.Na4 21.a3 21...Ne4?! A natural response but now White certainly a bit better. Suspect this is the cause of later problems22.Rxc8+ Bxc8 23.Qc2 Played quickly. Interesting comments from Leko: "When a player is comfortable with black he is less likely to risk with white. Maybe this game is a turning point in that regard." 23.Qe1! Karpov - Leko raved about this move, reveals Karpov's wonderful insight, ' Black square strategy' b4 and Nc5 coming Bb7 24.Qa5 with b4 coming when White must be comfortably better

Malcolm Pein ‏@TelegraphChess
Aha Karpov also liked 21.a3 as Rb4 and Qb4 ruled out and b4 a plan Vishy's 21...Ne4 not a pawn sac see TWIC analysis

Erwin l'Ami ‏@erwinlami
23.Qc2 Bb7 24.Nc5 looks like serious pressure, but not 24.Qc7? Rc8!

the g5?!
GM Arkadij Naiditsch 23... g5 again quite a strange play by White. Seems like Anand is in a pretty bad shape today. Can we see the first decisive game!?

Natalia Pogonina: g5 - what is going on? Today I have problems guessing his moves. Looks very suspicious. Anand seems to be doing his best to lose the game.

(Shipov) 23…g5?!
A very nervous move. The coordination of Black’s pieces leaves much to be desired, and at thesame time he weakens his king’s pawn covering and leaves his queen waiting in the wings… Strange! [Having adopted a strategy of patient waiting, Anand should have continued it: 23...Ndf6 24.Ne5 Bd7 25.Nc5 Be8 , after which the captures on a6 seem to be harmless: 26.Nxa6 (26.Bxa6? Nxc5) 26...Ra8 27.Nc7 (27.Nc5 Rxa2) 27...Rc8! and go ahead, just try to get out of that pin.]

(Alberto Milos) 23...g5? The decisive mistake. The natural 23...Bb7 would be answered by 24.Nc5 with a small but clear advantage for White ..Rc8 25.b4

(Malcolm Pein) 23...g5 Looks almost desperate. 'In a bad position usually all moves are bad' - Anand

Mark Crowther ‏@MarkTWIC
World #Chess Championship Gelfand-Anand 23.Qc2 g5 * not a move Anand would have played with any great joy.

Smirin: "Chess logic won't forgive even World Champions making moves like 23...g5"

Susan Polgar ‏@SusanPolgar
23...g5 Anand allows capturing on e4 as 24. Bxe4 dxe4 25. Qxe4 Bb7 26. Qe3 Bc6 =

Malcolm Pein ‏@TelegraphChess
Boris giving Vishy the 'what the hell u up 2' look

the White first wave of attack and ..f6?
24.Qc7 Qxc7 25.Rxc7 f6
Susan Polgar ‏@SusanPolgar It is his best shot so far in this match.The problem is 24. Qc7. This gives white a very comfortable endgame with an edge. This is the type of position Gelfand can thrive on.

Grischuk: "Black's task now is to at least make sure White has to play accurate moves to win"

GM Arkadij Naiditsch
24... Qxc7 on the other hand: Anand escaped in so many bad endgames. I think nobody ever saved as many bad positions as Anand. So we should be not too fast with out judgments.25. Rxc7 f6 we see 25...f6?. This is already a serious tactical mistake, giving White a chance for 26.Bxe4! fxe4 and 27.Nd2! with very good chances for a full point... a very exiting moment if Gelfand will make use out of his "11 meters" Gelfand has enough time to find the right moves here, 22 minutes for the last 15 moves, this is totally enough. Can Gelfand's biggest dream come true now? I think in case of 26.Bxe4 it could!

Natalia Pogonina
I am not sure what is happening to Anand today. Qb8?!, g5?, f6? - what is that? Can't guess a single move.

Malcolm Pein ‏@TelegraphChess
Looks really grim for Black! Boris hasn't beaten Vishy at Classical Chess for nearly 20 years this is a huge moment for him

The fallen Bishop
26.Bxe4 dxe4 27.Nd2 f5 28.Nc4 Nf6 29.Nc5 Nd5 30.Ra7 Nb4 31.Ne5 Nc2 32.Nc6 Rxb2
Ray Keene: indian takeaway-ANAND IS TOAST!
(Shipov) Black has removed all of his pawns from the feeding trough. However, this is hardly likely to save him from material loss. His pieces are awfully passive.

Mark Crowther ‏@MarkTWIC
World #Chess Championship Gelfand-Anand Gm7 Gelfand 15 minutes Anand 10 minutes left 29 moves. "Here he cannot show any magic" Leko on Anand

Susan Polgar ‏@SusanPolgar
That's exactly what Gelfand played. I smell the 1st victory for Gelfand. I'm curious to hear Anand's explanation for his unusual moves.

Malcolm Pein ‏@TelegraphChess
The bishop on c8 is awful Nf6 forced now but Na4-c5 is a positional crush

(Shipov) 29.Nc5
Meanwhile White attacks with moves that can easily be made by the hand alone, without the brain’s assistance.

Erwin l'Ami ‏@erwinlami
Looks like Gelfand will beat Anand for the first time in 19 years! #anandgelfand

Mark Crowther ‏@MarkTWIC
World #Chess Championship Gelfand-Anand Gm7 "Not the slightest chance of counter-play. Definitely good for the match." - Leko

Malcolm Pein ‏@TelegraphChess
Boris reflected briefly to chcck tactics and I think rook and two knights forcing mate Body language suggests Vishy given up

Malcolm Pein ‏@TelegraphChess
Looks like mate to me even though Vishy has created some cheapos. Boris takes a piece with check

Susan Polgar ‏@SusanPolgar
31...Nc2 32. Nc6 Rxb2 Anand is giving up his Bishop for counter play. He is hoping for a miracle. 33. Ra8 or 33.Rc7 wins the Bishop on c8.

Boris' Mating and aftermath
33.Rc7 Rb1+ 34.Kh2 e3 35.Rxc8+ Kh7 36.Rc7+ Kh8 37.Ne5 e2 38.Nxe6  1-0
Malcolm Pein ‏@TelegraphChess It's over Boris wins and leads 4-3 with 5 to play players analysing now. Awesome game from Boris positional domination. VA white tomorrow

Erwin l'Ami ‏@erwinlami
Nice mating web in the end, Gelfand taking the lead!

(Shipov) 35.Rxc8+ Kh7 36.Rc7+
Gelfand repeats moves… and weaves a mating net!

(Malcolm Pein) 36.Rc7+ Leko quoted Botvinnik. 'Better to be a piece up than to force mate'. Point is you can't mess up with an extra piece whereas if you miss the mate... This is worth pointing out to the masses who only follow the engine numbers. However the lines are not to hard to calculate so Boris decides to force matters

Natalia Pogonina ‏@Pogonina
Actually disappointed by the quality of the moves in today's game, especially Anand's. Gelfand won and is now leading 4-3.

Susan Polgar ‏@SusanPolgar
36. Rc7+ Kh8 37. Ne5 e2 38. Nxe6 if 38...e1=Q 39. Ng6+ Kg8 40. Rg7# 1-0

(Malcolm Pein) 37...e2 38.Nxe6 'I started to drift a little bit in the opening and the rest revolved around my bishop on c8' – Anand

compiled without permission but please this is for fun only
all comments and texts by their respective author

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