Thursday, May 24, 2012

GMs Comment the Sicilian defence of Anand-Gelfand Round 10

World Chess Championship now reach round 10. High voltage on the stage as the two player Viswanathan Anand and Boris Gelfand are now full of T.N.T. to bomb each other. But the game quickly went back to black, as both player gone side line of Sicilian and Boris taking care of black side looks win the surprise show. After answered by Gelfand sicilian defence, Anand try a ballbreaker 5.b3 but it was Gelfand who made who by instant replaying the even more eyebrow rising 5...e5. Black quickly equalized although the position actually looks razor edge in the center. After 25 moves the highway to hell didn't went for anybody and peace signed.

Now the trend of compiling twitter and quotes around the world done also in major site (TWIC has done it), your faithful still motivated to compiled most of interesting comments available on net. This is a way to archieving this historic event of World Championship and documented any grandmaster that take part in making this chess event even more colorful.

Last night is the most crowded so far as I can collected. Here the sources:

during game / live commentaries:
Svidler, Morozevich and Karjakin (but not available quotes) on official site
Susan Polgar, Erwin l'Ami, Malcolm Pein and Mark TWIC Crowther, J.L. Hammer etc. on Twitter
Natalia Pogonina and Jennifer Shahade on chessgames
Arkadij Naiditsch on chessdom/chessbomb
Sergey Shipov on chessintranslation (tranlated by Dan MacKenzie)

post game commentaries:
Sergey Shipov and Malcolm Pein analysis
Romain Edouard on chessbase

Let There Be Rock - The Opening
1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 e6 4.Bxc6 bxc6

Stuart Conquest ‏@stuthefox 
I kind of predicted this opening (Rossolimo Sicilian) to myself! But I didn't dare tweet it.

GM Naiditsch
3. Bb5 e6 and here we have the change on the 3rd move instead of the 3.d4 Anand is playing 3...Bb5, The main reply today is 3...Nf6, but of course 3...e6 is a well known move

Susan Polgar ‏@SusanPolgar
And we have the Rossolimo Sicilian, which is more rare than other Sicilan lines.

GM Edouard
Avoiding the Sicilian Pelikan: not such a surprise in my opinion!
IM Pein (post game)
I was very impressed in game 9 how Boris bounced back from the game 8 debacle. He showed he was not crushed by it and pushed for the win.
Are You Ready - the 5.b3 e5
5.b3 e5

Susan Polgar ‏@SusanPolgar
5...e5 Anand tried to surprise Gelfand with a relative rare opening in modern WC, only to be surprised by his opponent in the 5th move.

Susan Polgar ‏@SusanPolgar
It's clear that Gelfand is very well prepared for this match. This is why Gelfand struggled recently in tournaments, he was hiding his prep.

Mark Crowther ‏@MarkTWIC
World #Chess Championship Anand-Gelfand (10) Very concrete opening play from Gelfand. Anand probably didn't hope for this after 5.b3

Jennifer Shahade ‏@JenShahade
@MarkTWIC I agree, Gelfand seems impressively prepped here.

Mark Crowther ‏@MarkTWIC
@JenShahade Svider thinks Gelfand will continue to play fast for some time. I very much enjoyed your US #Chess Championship broadcasts

@erwinlami: Black looks comfortable. In the endgame the bishop-pair and more space will compensate the double c-pawns.

GM Naiditsch
5. b3 and Anand is doing my favorite move, 5.b3!? I played this myself quite often with White. One of the major ideas of the 5.b3 is, to play quickly Ba3 followed by the d4 move
5... e5 but Gelfand seems to know exactly what he is doing, and answering with the 5...e5!? - it is again amazing, what kind of very deep preparation Gelfand and his team were able to make. Practically in every game Gefland is surprising Anand with something! The 5...e5 !? is already almost a novelty! And clearly the first game on the high level! The critical move in the position is 6.Nxe5. I think in case White does not play 6.Nxe5, Black should be doing perfectly fine, the next moves could be d6,Nf6,Be7, and castle short.

Malcolm Pein ‏@TelegraphChess
Interesting position after only 6 moves 5...e5 pretty much a novelty unclear endgame on the board

GM Edouard
e5!? Almost a novelty! This brillant move simply solves all problems immediately. Black wants to play ...d6 next with a very good position, which forces White to take on e5.
GM Shipov (post game)
This is already a serious decision… Black places his pawn under attack, blockading the pawn on e4. As it turns out, this is not a novelty. [White would meet the more cautious 5...d6 with 6.e5 , with the idea 6...dxe5 7.Nxe5 Qd4 8.Nc4 Qxa1 9.Nc3 , and White will successfully trap the Black queen.]

Get it Hot - Middlegame
6.Nxe5 Qe7 7.Bb2 d6 8.Nc4 d5 9.Ne3 d4 10.Nc4 Qxe4+ 11.Qe2 Qxe2+ 12.Kxe2 Be6 13.d3 Nf6 14.Nbd2 O-O-O

Erwin l'Ami ‏@erwinlami
Note that 7...d6 8.Nxc6? Qc7 traps the knight. I expect 8.Nc4 d5!?

Susan Polgar ‏@SusanPolgar
6.Nxe5 Qe7 7.Bb2 d6 8.Nc4 d5 9.Ne3 d4 Knight back to c4, Queens will come off the board

GM Naiditsch
11. Qe2 Gelfand started to think a little, maybe that means he expected more 9.Ne5 and not 9.Ne3. This endgame looks better for White but again, maybe Gelfand's team found some resources to make the game equal.

Jon Ludvig Hammer ‏@gmjlh
@erwinlami Really? I like this for white - just go d3 and in the long term c3 will be very annoying?

Malcolm Pein ‏@TelegraphChess
Trying to figure where the white knights go. Nc4-e5-d3 and Nb1-a3-c4 perhaps Moves on

Erwin l'Ami ‏@erwinlami
@gmjlh I am thinking that after a subsequent Nf6, 0-0-0, h5-h4 etc. it's rather difficult to get c3 in.

Shipov (during the game): "Before the match I thought Anand would be a little stronger in a dry positional battle [...] let's see if that verdict was right."

Alexander Morozevich joins Dirk Jan and Svidler in the English commentary box
Alexander Morozevich on Gelfand's match strategy: "Trying to play as direct as possible with the black pieces."

Sergey Karjakin joins the Russian commentary... now talking about being Kramnik's second when he played Grischuk.

Natalia Pogonina: Following the game Shaposhnikov (2525) - Bocharov (2403), 1-0, 2001. Now Bocharov is a 2600 player, but 11 years ago he had just 2400.

JenShahade: That Shaposhnikov game that Natalia mentions continued Nc4 Qxe4+ Ne3 Nf6 Bxf6 gxf6 with an unusual position with two knights vs. two bishops. What would you guys prefer here?
GM Shipov (Post game)
8…d5 A novelty! I am amazed by the speed with which the opponents are moving the pieces across the board. It reminds me exactly of my battles in Internet bullet chess with a minute on each side… Boris and Vishy are for now simply repeating their home analysis

JenShahade: Impressive preparedness by Gelfand IMO.
Natalia Pogonina: Yeah, his seconds are working amazingly well so far!
IM Pein (post game)
8.Nc4 d5, Technically the novelty. Black gains space with tempo and proceeds to block the Bb2 He has some long terms concerns as his c5 pawn could be vulnerable but right now he is active. His light squared bishop is unchallenged. Although this position is new, positions of this type occur frequently in this line.
Shoot to Thrill
15.Rhe1 Be7 16.Kf1 Rhe8 17.Ba3 Nd5 18.Ne4 Nb4 19.Re2 Bxc4 20.bxc4 f5
Mark Crowther ‏@MarkTWIC
Tal Memorial #Chess. The draw for the event will be decided by a blitz tournament. Need to finish in the top half for more whites!

Jennifer Shahade ‏@JenShahade
@MarkTWIC that is so awesome, what a great idea.

Mark Crowther ‏@MarkTWIC
@JenShahade It occurs to me that this Tal Memorial blitz for your tournament draw number idea ought to favour Nakamura!

Shipov says in a bullet game he'd sac the exchange on e6 to get perfect squares for his knights... but he wouldn't try it in proper game.

Chess in Translation ‏@ChessinT
Smirin: "Tarrasch said 'a knight on the rim is dim', but he didn't say anything about a bishop" Grischuk: "It went without saying!"

Malcolm Pein ‏@TelegraphChess
18...Nb4 I guess 19.Re2 now - strange symmetry Black doesn't want to take on c4 White avoids taking on b4 :)

Svidler on Korchnoi's notorious insults: "If he feels compelled to insult you after the game you should wear it as a badge of honour."

Natalia Pogonina ‏@Pogonina
@MarkTWIC Was he referring to the case when Korchnoi told him: "Young man, you have no idea how to play the endgame"? :)

Mark Crowther ‏@MarkTWIC
@Pogonina It was Svidler's first win vs Korchnoi who complained that he had to make it interesting and he would never have lost otherwise

Natalia Pogonina ‏@Pogonina
@MarkTWIC Was he referring to the case when Korchnoi told him: "Young man, you have no idea how to play the endgame"? :)

Susan Polgar ‏@SusanPolgar
17...Nd5 I do not think that Gelfand will have much difficulties holding this position.

Grischuk: In this match Anand is playing both impulsively and slowly.

Erwin l'Ami ‏@erwinlami
Interesting decision by Boris to give the bishop on c4. 21.Bxb4 cxb4 22.Nd2 Bf8 is a like scenario now. #anandgelfand

GM Naiditsch
19... Bxc4 why Black needed to play first 19...Bxc4 and not directly
19...f5, not so easy to see, but White has a very nice trick: 19..f5 20.Ng3 Bxc4 and now 21.Nxf5! not an easy move to see during the live game

Have A Drink On Me - draw offered
21.Bxb4 cxb4 22.Nd2 Bd6 23.Rxe8 Rxe8 24.Nb3 c5 25.a3 1/2-1/2

Shipov says Gelfand offering a draw after 21...cxb4 was revenge for Anand's inappropriate offer yesterday (when Gelfand had the edge).

Malcolm Pein ‏@TelegraphChess

VA avoids the Ng3 move but Black looks fine White has no pawn breaks except a2-a3 and knight has no good outpost yet

Erwin l'Ami ‏@erwinlami
I think the correct sequence is 25.a3 bxa3 26.Rxa3 Kb7 27.Ra5 a6! with the idea 28.Nxc5? Kb6 29.Nb3 Bb4! and the a-pawn is dangerous.

Chess in Translation ‏@ChessinT
Well, despite some pre-match predictions we're going to get at least 12 games...

Erwin l'Ami ‏@erwinlami
Draw agreed already. Fairly easy game for Gelfand. The score is 5-5!

GM Shipov
25.a3  Anand played this move… and offered a draw! Apparently he realized that his prospects were not as radiant as they appeared from afar. Gelfand did not take offense and did not refuse the offer in return — it’s a DRAW!

Jovanka Houska ‏@thelittlehat
When chess players are playing a match I do think draws should not be agreed so early. Endgames are fascinating So play them out!

Sutovsky doesn't think the draw was evident. He suggested several variants, underlined advantages for the both players. Sutovsky: I think this is the last competition with rules "draw whenever you like"

GM Edouard
25.a3 It is quite impressive how the Israeli player manages to surprise his opponent in almost every game. Not many people on earth would manage to draw several games so easily against Anand with Black: Gelfand is not only a challenger, but also a real candidate for the World Champion title.
Anish Giri ‏@anishgiri
Seems like Anand wasted a nice advantage.. Some longer tortures were possible, at least! Now things can get very random- exciting match.
after the game
Gelfand on his Novelty, at least at the top level. "It's always nice to play a novelty on the 5th move because this doesn't happen every day. Usually you apply your novelties on move 20 or 25 and sometimes we are scared of novelties as late as move 40."
Svidler 25.a3 is a surprising move on which to finish because it seems like the move that actually opens up the position."
Morozevich on Gelfand's play so far: "Trying to play as direct as possible with the black pieces."
Morozevich explaining that not all games are planned in detail by GMs but are more haphazard: "Oops suddenly I'm winning, oops suddenly it's a draw."

Svidler: "I dislike passive defense because I'm no good at it."

Silvio Danailov ‏@SilvioDanailov

My son asked me why the final position of today's game was draw.No answer on the FIDE handbook,so I suggested him to ask Kirsan or Makro.

Silvio Danailov ‏@SilvioDanailov
Finally everybody (including GM Lex Valensa:) starts to understand why chess need Sofia Rules.Congrats! I was suggesting this since 2004.
all text, quotes, twits and commentaries by its respective author

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