Monday, May 7, 2012

2012 11th Asian Continental Chess Championship Round 3

Ho Chi Minh City are hosting one of Asian most prestigious chess event this week. The Asian Continental Chess Championship joined by GM Le Quang Liem, GM Wesley So, GM Ni Hua and many more. The event also paralel with Women section that joined by top Asian female, only minus the top two tigress GM Hou Yifan and Koneru Humpy.  This is celebrated by ex world champion GM Zhao Xue, IM Bathkuyag Munguntuul and WGM Tan Zhonyi as the three highest rated.

Indonesian contingent fly in Vietnam with full team, included GM Megaranto Susanto and friends. For the women section, this is the first full spirit new dream team including WGM Irene K Sukandar, Sihite Chelsie Monica, Medina Aulia, Dewi Aa Citra  and friends. The girls team achieved much dramatic early result, in early round rising star Medina Aulia (2172)  defeated WGM Guo Qi (2360), followed by her sibling Virda Rizka Aulia (1769) overcome another WGM Swathi Ghate (2286).

Up to round three the highlight story from Indonesian team are WGM Irene K Sukandar defeating WGM Tan Zhongyi.. This result pulled Irene into top standing with perfect three, accompanied by Batchimeg Tuvshintugs, who victory over Eesa Karavade making here the same perfect three as Irene.

In round three Irene quickly dulled Tan Zhongyi's Catalan. Only in move Tan Zhongyi's unwise 12.b4 (12.a4 +/-) giving Irene full control on middle board. Tan soon lost a pawn and Irene's Knight easily dominated the middle board and delivering lethal thread as soon as the game reach 30 moves.

chess-result links

Tan Zhongyi vs Irene K. Sukandar 0-1
11th Asian Continental Chess Women 2012

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