Sunday, April 15, 2012

Japfa Round 1 Anna Burtasova Surprised by local

As reported by Director of SCUA (Utut Adianto School of Chess),  local chess player Medina Aulia surprised WGM Anna Burtasova and defeat the Russian in a French Opening as black. This is a the second decisive result of round one Japfa Women International, the other was GMW Anastasia Gutsko (Ukraina)-Yemi Jelsen 1-0 and GMW Evgeniya Doluhanova (Armenia)-MIW Chelsie Monica Sihite 0,5-0,5.

Anna Burtasova who recently more focus on chess journalism met a tough defence by Medina and then losing in 44 moves, before blundering on 21.Bg4, allowing Black to win a combination of two pawns ahead.

Chess game provide by

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