Thursday, October 13, 2011

2011 Jakarta Open Started

Starting this afternoon is the Jakarta Open chess tournament. The tournament take place at Hotel Le Meredien Jakarta, afternoon game started at 15:00, but beginning from tomorrow (Friday), it will be a two rounds per day, at 9:00am and 15:00.

Foreign players travelling to Jakarta included China players Wang Yue and Li Chao (with several other strong GMs and WGMs around!). From Phillipine, Wesley So, Eugenio Torre, Mark Paragua, Antonio Rogelio Jr and perhaps all top players from the volcanic archipelago country present here! From Vietnam are familiar names such as GM Dao Thien Hai, Nguyen Van Huy and GM Cao Sang. Unfortunately GM Le Quang Liem is invited to Susan Polgar's SPICE Cup and at this moment clearing his travelling VISA to US right now.

Representative from Europeans such as French GM Tkachiev, Dutchman GM Reinderman etc. Then there were present also Alexander Shabalov, Surya Ganguly, Dreev and many other. This is perhaps Indonesia's biggest event to date. Full list to be found in chess-result main domain > here < This will give host players a busy week too, GM Megaranto is seeded 17,  follows by all first team line up.

For round 1, most seeded player takes the easy win, except for several Pinoy GM Antonio was a draw to WGM Jana Krivec from Slovakia, Laylo and Paragua hold by respectively Kaisar Jenius Hakiki and FM Hamdani Rudin. Finally biggest surprise was GM Eugenio Torre lost to untitled Surya Wahyudi from Indonesia. On other side, untitled Emmanuel Emperado 2294 upset Brazilian GM Alexander Fier 2583. While Indonesian's players are warming up among themself, Megaranto score point too.
Top board pairing for Round Two:

1 GM Wang Yue 2716 - IM Grigoryan Karen H. 247
2 GM Dao Thien Hai 2493 - GM Dreev Aleksey 2711
3 GM Li Chao b 2710 - IM Irwanto Sadikin 2429
4  IM Nguyen Van Huy 2449 - GM So Wesley 2655
5 GM Ganguly Surya Shekhar 2631 - IM Dimakiling Oliver 2414
6 FM Tunasly Kifly 2400 - GM Tkachiev Vladislav 2631
7 GM Mareco Sandro 2597 - IM Sitanggang Salor 2376
8 FM Wahono Awam 2379 - GM Reinderman Dimitri 2594
9  FM Kasmiran 2369 - GM Moradiabadi Elshan 2549
10 GM Kotanjian Tigran 2546 - IM Purnama Tirta Chandra 2368
11 WGM Guramishvili Sopiko 2359 - GM Barbosa Oliver 2538
12  GM Megaranto Susanto 2530 - WGM Sukandar Irine Kharisma 2330

There seems to be no LIVE games for internet viewer.

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