Saturday, September 10, 2011

Dr Nazrin Shah KL Open - Oliver Barbosa Wins

Although the shows IM Nguyen Doc Hoa as first position finisher, but it is confirmed in Peter Long chess and that Phillipino IM Oliver Barbosa is the winner of Dr Nazrin Shah KL Open 2011. The Kuala Lumpur Chess website also confirmed GM title on pape for IM Oliver Barbosa and Richard Bitoon, as well IM tile and GM norm for Jahongir Vakhidov of Uzbekistan.

Indonesian delegation in Open name the best performer is IM Tirta Purnama, with 6.5/9 rounds, he is tie second in theory. GM Megaranto, straight from World Chess Cup in Siberia, finished 5.5/9 , drawing many games and slighty under performed here. WGM Irene Sukandar is also 5.5/9 but she is "over performed" in relation to her rating, she is undefeated (as well Megaranto).

IM Dede Lioe and GM Cerdas Barus also in positive result 5.5/9. More stories and photos at with Peter Long reporting.

Dr Nazrin Shah Kuala Lumpur 2011 result here

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