Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Countdown in Singapore 2011

Just before the countdown we will welcome a new Woman Champion. On the Woman World Champ in Antioch, Hou Yifan succesfully climbed to semi, meet her contemporary most dangerous nemesis, Koneru Humpy and won. Of the other side is a little surprise, WGM Ruan Lufei defeat comrade GM Zhao Xue, and previously Harika Dronavali and Alexandra Kosteniuk!

All mamas going home early, the last standing Europeans were Ekateryna Lahno and Almira Skripchenko. I really hope our new Chess queen stays as long as they are for another 20 years! Good luck to Hou Yifan (meaning=extra ordinary) and Ruan Lufei (charming)!

But, in ASEAN region there is also another heat. Not that Indonesia + Cristian Gonzalez vs Malaysia, but in Singapore, they hold a countdown party 2011.

Singapore will be hosting ASEAN first championship, for Men and Women. GM Le Quang Liem and his gangs, GM Megaranto Susanto seeded #4 are going to celebrate this. In Women area, WGM Irene K. Sukandar is leading ,to the other 14 girls. There is also Singapore Open, arbiter seminar, team match Singapore vs Malaysia. All after the Christmas to begin!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, a wrap up 2010 Chess Hall of Fame is ready to review here.

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