Friday, September 3, 2010

Zhao Jun and Le Quang Liem shared first in Manila

The first Campomanes Memorial held in Manila last week. The tournament perhaps shadowed only days by the bus hostage incident, but the Chinese convidently won both the main event and  women event. GM Zhao Jun smoothly stay in the top until the tournament finished, 7 point.. Second is Vietnamese GM Le Quang Liem, as top seeded, the elo rating he has is confirmed as he also get the same point as Zhao Jun and positioned second by tie break. Then followed by another two China GMs and ex-Sovyet GMs.

Fighting in his homeland, host's most popular GM, Wesley So failed to score victory to only stay at 7th position with 6 points. His only defeated to GM Le will heartbreak many of his fans.

For Indonesian IMs, Irwanto Sadikin, Tirto and Taufik Halay finished with positive and event score. Facing many GMs and higher rated opponent, the trio only managed to score plus against IM Yu Lie, a victory by IM Tirto in round 7.

1st Campomanes Memorial :
1 GM ZHAO Jun CHN 2586 7,0 

2 GM LE Quang Liem VIE 2681 7,0 
3 GM DING Liren CHN 2574 6,5 
4 GM ZHOU Jianchao CHN 2668 6,5 
6 GM FILIPPOV Anton UZB 2609 6,5
7 GM SO Wesley PHI 2674 6,0 
8 GM LAYLO Darwin PHI 2522 6,0 
9 GM GHAEM MAGHAMI Ehsan IRI 2585 6,0 
10 GM KAZHGALEYEV Murtas KAZ 2619 6,0

few games from round 1 and 2 can be found in chess result website.
In Women section, WGM Shen Yang and GM Zhao Xue finished first and second. Persian Atousa Pourkashiyan come third :
1 WGM SHEN Yang CHN 2435 7,5

2 GM ZHAO Xue CHN 2462 7,0
3 WGM POURKASHIYAN Atousa IRI 2308 6,5
4 WIM HOANG Thi Nhu Y VIE 2187 6,0
5 WGM HOANG Thi Bao Tram VIE 2338 5,5
6 WGM GU Xiaobing CHN 2349 5,0
7 PALOMO Jenny Rose PHI 1870 5,0
8 WFM CUA Shercila PHI 2099 5,0
9 WFM PERENA Catherine PHI 2103 4,5
10 DOCENA Jedara PHI 2033 4,5

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