Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Olympiad 2010 R8 - Megaranto beats Leon Hoyos

Which is the only happy news from this round. Indonesia lost both teams in this round to Mexico and Uzbekistan. In men result, Megaranto vs Leon Hoyos games stop at move 40 in what I see still a complex situation. Maybe some time crisis or whatever resulting in Black defeat. The result of round 8 :

Bo. 67 Indonesia (INA) Rtg - 36 Mexico (MEX) Rtg 1½:2½

25.1 GM Megaranto Susanto 2516 - GM Leon Hoyos Manuel 2579 1 - 0
25.2 IM Purnama Tirta Chandra 2400 - GM Gonzalez Zamora Juan Carlos 2564 0 - 1
25.3 FM Novita Anjas 2356 - GM Gonzalez Garcia Jose 2543 ½ - ½
25.4 IM Halay Taufik 2358 - IM Ibarra Chami Luis Fernando 2444 0 - 1

The girls round 8 result :
Bo. 33 Uzbekistan (UZB) Rtg - 50 Indonesia (INA) Rtg 3½: ½

14.1 WIM Muminova Nafisa 2319 - WGM Sukandar Irine Kharisma 2372 1 - 0
14.2 WIM Sabirova Olga 2216 - Lestari Baiq Vina 2177 ½ - ½
14.3 WIM Hamrakulova Yulduz 2207 - WFM Sihite Chelsie Monica 2014 1 - 0
14.4 Nodirjanova Nodira 2136 - WFM Medina Warda Aulia 2011 1 - 0

Irine's lost hurt her rating performance, but still she is quite in form for this Olympiad, she defeat Monica Socko (the second time according to chessgames database) in round 7. The girls hold to draw strong team, Poland, while the men did the same to Latvian (for round 7). The next round Indonesia to be play Jordan and Czech Republic.
From SE Asia news, Wesley So draw Topalov (after previous round lost to Canadian Mark Bluvsthein). Vietnam 10 point, Phillipine 9 , Indonesia 8 , Singapore and Malaysia 7.
chess result website here

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