Thursday, December 10, 2009

Singapore Chess Festival 2009 - Commonwealth Open

Quitely happening this week is the local Singapore International Chess Festival 2009. The event held in 4 sections, the Commonwealth Open, Singapore Challenger, Commonwealth U12 and Commonwealth U20/U16. Tournament runs from 9 to 14 December 2009.

The Commonwealth Open is a no play play* one a with IM Ashwin Jayaratnam seed as number 1. Following is IM Konguvel Ponnuswamy IND (2444) as seed 2 and Singapore most active master (at least for this year) IM Paciencia Enrique SIN (2424) as seed 3. Malaysia IM Mas Hafizulhelmi 2419 is the next one. It is hard to have a notable international chess event in Singapore and more difficult to see Singapore base master playing, such as GM Zhang Zhong, Wu Shaobin, IM Kevin Goh, or many of the ASEAN Chess Academy trainers who name like Ashot Nadanian belong to it. (* Singlish in use).

This leave to many of junior FMs like Timothy Chan Wei Xuan and Terry Chua all in action. Chess result link is here. And official blog is here. Not sure if this is the same Commonwealth tournament where Nigel Short participating it.

Meanwhile in Challenger section, the highest rated player here is Datu Alcon John at 2220 and this is for U2200 player. Indonesia sent 11 players to participating. Potret Catur give entry in Bahasa Indonesia here :

Sebelas pecatur Indonesia pagi ini berangkat untuk mengikuti Singapore Chess Festival yang akan berlangsung hingga 15 Desember 2009. Mereka adalah Luthfi Nurul Huda, Monica Putri Wigustira, Aay Aisyah Anisa, Muhammad Firmansyah Pratama, Yesaya Joel Augusto, Azarya Jodi Setyaki, Yuliana Santosa, Rezon Yanuar, Kadek IIn Dwijayanti, Mukmin Panggabean, Tromphin Sitorus dan Muhammad Syamsul Bachri. see

Chess result link here.

In U20 IM Lalith Babu from India is top seed at 2460 rating.

Total prize fund is US$ 14,500. Commonwealth Open winner will receive US$ 2,500. In comparision the Challenger winner will get US$ 300. Venue is in Bishan area. Official website

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