Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Asian Team Championship Round 2

Second round of Asian Team Chess Championship see another 4-0 results around. Singapore Men and Women went berserk to score perfect point against Nepal team. Indonesian Women team also join in with the same score against Srilanka. In Men section, India A defeated India B with 3.5-1.5, Iran drew Vietnam with GM Ehsan Ghaem Maghami take point from GM Le Quang Liem, but second board GM Elshan Moradiabadi must surrender to another young talent GM Nguyen Ngoc Truang Son.

Indonesia succesful defeated quite strong team Bangladesh. Bangladesh's two GMs are GM Rahman Ziaur, who must admit point to GM Megaranto Susanto. The second GM Murshed Niaz split point with IM Tirta Purnama. FM Anjas Novita get to bring his opponent into winning endgame for Black (Anjas), and after 59.Kg1 ? Black finished the game with beautiful tactic :
59.. f3! 60.gxf3 Rb4!
61.Kf1 {61. Rg2+ Kxf3 62. Rf2+Ke3 63. Kg2 Rb2} Rb1+ 0-1
to see Black goes to Rb2 for sure

Last board Kaisar Jenius Hakiki also defeated his FM opponent who defend in Pirc setup.

Full round 2 result :
India B - India A ½ : 3½
Vietnam - Iran 2:2
Bangladesh - Indonesia ½:3½
Nepal - Singapore 0:4
Yemen - Srilanka 2:2

Iran - India A 1:3
India B - Vietnam 1:3
Nepal - Singapore 0:4
Indonesia - Srilanka 4:0

Full pairing here. Live :

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