Monday, November 23, 2009

World Cup 2009-Round 2 pairing comments

Full round 1 result here.

Round 2 Chess World Cup pairing:
Gelfand, Boris (ISR) v Amonatov, Farrukh (TJK)
Boris Gelfand is the most lucky man, in game 2 where every underdogs play like 2012 is real, his opponent Obodchuck take a draw in 12 moves. Meanwhile real business is coming now with Amonatov of Tajikistan fame ready to challenge. Still Gelfand is the favorite here to go round 3.

Gashimov, Vugar (AZE) v Zhou, Jianchao (CHN)Zhou eliminated Raul Mamedov of Azeri, which is already a very good result. But now Gashimov ready to avenge for his cuontry men. Should be another fierce fighting here.

Morozevich, Alexander (RUS) v Laznicka, Viktor (CZE)Morozevich is beyond his Egyptian opponent in round 1, now Laznicka, whom I am not familiar with is going to test his luck against one of the world most interesting chess player.

Radjabov, Teimour (AZE) v Sakaev, Konstantin (RUS)
Sakaev is pretty solid player, should be a good test for Radjabov’s KID.

Jakovenko, Dmitry (RUS) v Sandipan, Chanda (IND)
Sandipan eliminated Kobalia, which is a good result, but can he survive Jakovenko, who is now Russian very top rating player.

Shirov, Alexei (ESP) v Fedorchuk, Sergey A. (UKR)
Fedorchuck give a shock by eliminating Sokolov, both Ivan and Shirov has a nasty chess playing style. This should give Shirov a little bit warning.

Vachier-Lagrave, Maxime (FRA) v Meier, Georg (GER)
Not sure about Meier but I think he is one of young generation from Georgia. A battle of youngster.

Alekseev, Evgeny (RUS) v Fressinet, Laurent (FRA)Alekseev should still a favorite here, Fressinet survived his young opponent Sgujirov.

Wang, Hao (CHN) v Ganguly, Surya Shekhar (IND)
The first China vs India, Wang Hao is as strong as the other Wang surname.

Malakhov, Vladimir (RUS) v Smirin, Ilia (ISR)Ilia Smirin eliminate hard opponent Ehlvest while Malakov handle more lower rated opponent in Round 1. Smirin is 40 and Malakhov is in his great 20s.

Rublevsky, Sergei (RUS) v Areshchenko, Alexander (UKR)
Both go round 2 with 1.5 score and should be a solid pairing with any of two have equal chance.

Motylev, Alexander (RUS) v Najer, Evgeniy (RUS)
Vitiugov, Nikita (RUS) v Milos, Gilberto (BRA)

Nisipeanu, Liviu-Dieter (ROU) v J Polgar (Hun)

My favorite pairing this round. International wide Polgar is well known but who can denied Nisipeanu as a very strong player? Nisipeanu show great chess this year while Polgar is a bit lack of practice. Last tournament in Holland prove that Polgar not yet in her peak.

These pairing decided after the round 1 play off:
Yu Yangyi - Mateusz Bartel
Yu is an international sensation after beating top seed Movsesian. He will have a supported from his eliminated country men like Bu and Hou Yifan to prepare against Bartel. Should be a tough opponent for Bartel.

Alexander Grischuk - Vladislav Tkachiev
And Tkachiev survived another shock by Lee Quang Liem. Grischuk is enjoying 1 day off to face the “Drunken Master”.

Baadur Jobava - Eduardo Iturrizaga

Iturrizaga is another underdogs beating top seed Tiviakov.

Viktor Bologan - Ivan Cheparinov
Not a great show by Cheparinov, who need to go thru tie break before meeting Bologan. Again this is a nice pairing considering both are very strong name in chess.

Shakhriyar Mamedyarov - Vadim Milov
Milov prove to be a surprise participant, replacing Ni Hua and now he is eliminating great talent from India. Mamedyarov enjoy extra day after beating Kosteniuk 2-0.

Sergey Karjakin - Artyom Timofeev
David Navara - Alexander Shabalov

Both are tired after the tie break, so equal preparation here.

Yannick Pelletier - Li Chao
Li Chao enjoy extra preparation as Pelletier’s last round opponent also a Chinese men which should be standing near Li Chao now showing his notes.

Leinier Domínguez - Fabiano Caruana
From Blitz tournament Dominguez not showing the strength he was, but take note that Smerdon preparation is excellent. Caruana must trivial to see another Latin American as his opponent. Great pairing.

Ruslan Ponomariov - Varuzhan Akobian

Longest tie break by Akobian to eliminated Tregubov but now more stronger opponent wait him.

Wang Yue - Boris Savchenko
Étienne Bacrot - Krishnan Sasikiran

Both eliminated a Dutch player.

Peter Svidler - Tomi Nyback
Strong challenge for Svidler. Nyback is showing strong game against Andreikin.

Arkadij Naiditsch - Alexander Onischuk

Great pairing.

Evgeny Tomashevsky - Alexander Khalifman - russian derby

Vassily Ivanchuk - Wesley SoThe hottest pairing. I imagine this round like this. Ivanchuck is just like Ivanchuck enjoying his tournament and extra day after an easy opponent. While So is like Rambo who just come out from his most important battle ever. Some questions : Would Ivanchuck wear a mask? And a million dolar question for So fans, what is the correct opening for So to be prepared?

Gata Kamsky - Zhou Weiqi

And yet another sensation by China’s Zhou Weiqi. This let away interesting pairing between Kamsky and Sutovsky, but now they both can be friend again to met Zhou.

Pavel Eljanov - Ernesto Inarkiev

Some statistic:
Russia - 27 players only 16 survived
USA - 10 players, 4 go thru (Onischuck, Kamsky, Akobian, Shabalov)
China - 9 players 6 survive,
India - 7 players , 3 still there
Egypt-6 players then were none

Europe - 46
Asia - 11 (Tajikistan,Phillipine, 3 indians, 6 china)
South America - 2
North America & Carribean - 5


Zhou Weiqi 周唯奇 is using 周 character as his surname. which is same as Zhou Jianchao 周健超. Zhou is from the Zhou Dynasty character.

and Wang Yue 王玥 and Wang Hao 王皓 share 王 character. Wang = king

Tricky is Yu Yangyi 余泱漪 which surname Yu 余 is to be pronounced as Yee like in Yeehaa! While Li Chao 李超 is straight forward.

Both Li Chao and Zhou Jianchao share the same name "超" Chao mean superb.

Gelfand is the first to go 2nd round by normal route (Polgar the first by w/o)

Akobian the last to go 2nd round.

Wesley So give the best tie break score 3-0 against Gadir Guseinov.

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