Thursday, November 19, 2009

World Blitz Champion 2009 is Carlsen

Many best players are gathering in Moscow for 2009 Blitz Championship this week. The event followed the Tal Memorial 2009 was then won by the Mighty Magnus.

Several notes to mentioned :

On Day 1 top standing are : Anand, Carlsen and Karpov. So surprises were belong to Karpov who managed to defeated Carlsen.

Day 2 Carlsen already catch up with Anand for no.1 and Karjakin also make big loop into 3rd rank. Notable here are Kosteniuk defeating Polgar in 2nd bout (the first one won by Polgar), and in round 17 Carlsen down Anand.

Day 3 Carlsen started with Ponomariov defeating Carlsen, and Anand won against Svidler. This make a bit manuever in first position. Only after round 40 where Polgar defeated Anand where Carlsen secured first position by collecting 30.5 where Anand only 27 for 1 round spare.

Kosteniuk finished last, quite normal as suggested by her rating (the lowest). But her victims port folio quite impressive : Carlsen, Anand, Aronian, Morozevich and many else.

Report and new videos for Blitz Championship by Chessvibes. Report from Chessbase.

Meanwhile the first round of World Cup 2009 is begin tomorrow. For first round pairing commentary see here.

Final standings
1. Carlsen, Magnus 2801 31
2. Anand, Viswanathan 2788 28
3. Karjakin, Sergey 2723 25
4. Kramnik, Vladimir 2772 24.5
5. Grischuk, Alexander 2736 23.5
6. Ponomariov, Ruslan 2739 23.5
7. Svidler, Peter 2754 23.5
8. Leko, Peter 2752 22
9. Morozevich, Alexander 2750 22
10. Mamedyarov, Shakhriyar 2719 22
11. Gashimov, Vugar 2758 21.5
12. Aronian, Levon 2786 21
13. Dominguez Perez, Leinier 2719 20
14. Bareev, Evgeny 2634 20
15. Ivanchuk, Vassily 2739 19.5
16. Karpov, Anatoly 2619 19
17. Gelfand, Boris 2758 18.5
18. Jakovenko, Dmitry 2736 17.5
19. Polgar, Judit 2680 17
20. Tkachiev, Vladislav 2642 15.5
21. Naiditsch, Arkadij 2689 15
22. Kosteniuk, Alexandra 2517 12.5

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