Friday, October 9, 2009

Nanjing Pearl 2009 - Magnus at 2800

Nanjing Pearl Spring 2009 finished hours ago but the winner actually already settled yesterday. Magnus Carlsen drew with Teimour Radjabov yesterday and secured the tittle, but then it is Russian Jakovenko to be the victim of Carlsen's next target, the 2800 elo rating break. In a Semi-Slav game, Jakovenko as black hesitated to defend the complicated position after 25..Ne4. Carlsen then continued in exchanging the pieces to make his advanced e pawn made the most, supported by his kingside pawn majority. So then Carlsen now is the fifth 2800 chess player, after Kasparov, Anand, Kramnik and Topalov, and he is clearly the youngest one. A great tournament that will be remembered for a long time by me.

Nanjing Pearl Spring 2009 Final Standing:
1. Magnus Carlsen 8
2. Veselin Topalov 5.5
3. Wang Yue 4.5
4. Teimour Radjabov 4
5. Peter Leko 4
6. Dmitry Jakovenko 4

In Women Grand Prix Nanjing, ex world champion Xu Yuhua managed to climbed the top position despite drew with Marie Sebag, this is because Nana Dzagnidze failed to converted her two pawns + Knight against 1 pawn + Bishop against Zhao Xue. Nana finished number two while Zhao Xue is rank number three.

FIDE Women's Grand Prix Nanjing 2009 Final Standing:
1. Xu Yuhua
2. Dzagnidze, Nana
3. Zhao Xue 7
4. Sebag, Marie
5. Mkrtchian, Lilit
6. Ju Wenjun
7. Shen Yang 6
8. Munguntuul, Batkhuyag
9. Kovanova, Baira 5
10. Zhu Chen
11. Fierro Baquero, Martha 2
12. Yildiz, Betul Cemre 1

Magnus Carlsen menyudahi turnamen Nanjing Pearl Spring 2009 dengan mengalahkan pecatur Rusia Dmitry Jakovenko di babak terakhir. Setelah selesai menjamin gelar juara dengan hasil remis kemarin, hasil menang di ronde ini menjamin Carlsen menjadi pecatur ke lima sepanjang sejarah yang berhasil mencapai elo rating 2800. Empat pecatur lain adalah Garry Kasparov, Vishy Anand, Vladimir Kramnik dan Veselin Topalov.

Di grand prix wanita, mantan juara dunia Xu Yuhua (baca Sii Yiihua), sukses mendaki ke puncak pimpinan klasemen. Xu remis melawan pecatur Prancis Marie Sebag namun pesaing terdekat Nana Dzagnidze juga remis melawan Zhao Xue di mana di permainan akhir dengan dua bidak dan satu kuda nya gagal dibawa menuju garis finis melawan satu bidak satu gajah musuh.

Carlsen - Jakovenko , 1-0, from chessdom
Official website

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