Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Chigorin Memorial and European Team Champ 2009

Been busy this week and here some updates to current world news. The less informed M.Chigorian Memorial 2009 finished earlier this week. Five players shared first :

1.GM Volkov, Sergey 7.0
2. GM Zhou, Weiqi 7.0
3. GM Rychagov, Andrey 7.0
4. GM Deviatkin, Andrei 7.0
5. GM Melkumyan, Hrant 7.0

Full result click here and games here.

In females category, the newly crowned WGM Ju Wenjun is top finisher with 5.5 points.

Last round victory by GM Zhou Weiqi against Andriasian, Zaven (2612). Zhou Weiqi is soon to be another 2600 rated Chinese player.

Zhou Weiqi - Andriasin, Zaven :
(show chess board)(hide chess board)

Meanwhile the Europe had setup a tag team chess battle. A total of 38 clans, I mean federations, take part of it. After round 6 Azerbaijan is leading followed by Russia, Armenia and Georgia. Norwegia's GM Jon Ludvig Hammer is the top individual with 5 out of 6 round.

Ivan Cheparinov (2667) lost to V.Laznicka (2634) in a Sicilian games. Cheparinov is not in his lucky week as he also lost to Caruana earlier, in also a less than 30 moves game.
(show chess board)(hide chess board)

See TWIC report here. Offical site www.eurons2009.com

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