Friday, September 18, 2009

Game from Dutch Championship 2009

The 2009 Dutch Championship is on round 7 today. As reported by chessvibe, the event is much weaker from what its should be. Tiviakov, the only Dutch's top ten was withdrawn due to schedule conflict. But still we got to see some GMs like GM Anish Giri and GM Friso Nijboer. Here in round 7 they met together in a King Indian game. Nijboer try to stick to a thematic pawn attack to kingside, but soon got his Queen trapped, right in front of her King. But by this 'sacrifice' Black still hoping some tactical play taking advantage of his very pawn that lock in the White King at g2. Interesting game to watch in live mode.
Official site

Berikut game dari kejuaraan Belanda 2009. GM termuda Anish Giri melawan GM Friso Nijboer yang sering menulis buku. Permainanannya adalah bertema pembelaan Raja Hindia. Di pembelaan ini Hitam biasanya berusaha memajukan bidak ke arah sayap raja dan bermain taktik disini berharap men skak raja Putih. Tapi sebelum bisa melakukan itu Hitam keburu dimatikan Ratunya oleh Putih, namun tetap ada sedikit serangan balik dari Hitam yang menarik untuk disimak.

[Event "Dutch Championship 2009"]
[Site "Haaksbergen"]
[Date "2009.09.18"]
[Round "7"]
[White "Giri, Anish"]
[Black "Nijboer, Friso"]
[Result "1-0"]

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