Friday, July 3, 2009

Young and Dangerous IM Ray Robson

IM Ray Robson is the next Young and Dangerous of chess coming from the land of America. He is now right on top of the "next to be a GM" list( UPTD: IM Alex Lenderman is the next US GM). Robert Hess was already "graduated" this month as he is now a GM according to July edition of Fide rating list. Ray ,born in Guam 1994, is a pupil of the famous GM Alex Onischuk. On Chess magazine Onischuk addressed Ray as the future of US chess linking to Ray performance on this year Aeroflot. Thanks to USCF website, Susan Polgar and Jennifer Shahade, now we are familiar with the report on Ray beating a higher rated player. Today he will be the first feature player of my new blog label, the Young and Dangerous* of Chess. This label will try to report on what happening in our era of junior player. (* Young and Dangerous is inspired by a Hong Kong gangsta movie. See wikipedia )

Happening this week is a World Open in Philadelphia. This is the event where Kamsky, Bareev and Smirin will be playing. Joining this event, one of Ray opponent is GM Josh Friedel in round 3. Ray outplayed his opponent with a dare Bishop sacrifice in classic Sicilian Dragon game with black. White has some considerable way to neutralised the attack but he just missed some crucial moves. This game also fit into the Surreal Sicilian label because its won by Black in Sicilian defence.

GM Josh Friedel - IM Ray Robson
World Open - Round 3 0-1 B76 Yugoslav Attack Sicilian Defence

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