Monday, July 20, 2009

Biel 2009 - Round 1 Moro leads

A combos of "experienced" and young chess players started the Biel Chess 2009. The six players already up the fight last night with the following result :

Alexander Morozevich (RUS, 2751) - Evgeny Alekseev (RUS, 2714) 1 - 0
Boris Gelfand (ISR, 2755) - Fabiano Caruana (ITA, 2670) ½ - ½
Maxime Vachier-Lagrave (FRA, 2703) - Vassily Ivanchuk (RUS, 2703) ½ - ½

The round saw two quite similar Nimzo Indians on Gelfand-Caruana and Morozevich-Alekseev game. While Gelfand in the end hardly had enough time to converting the game into his win, Moro succesfully finished the game beautifully. To follow more see

Alexander Morozevich - Evgeny Alekseev 1-0
Nimzo Indian, Round 1

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