Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Singapore celebrate chess with GM Antoaneta Stefanova

As mentioned before, GM Antoaneta Stefanova was doing a visit to Singapore last week, she takes on 55 simuls at Northland Primary School. Among her opponents are two-time National Women Champion WFM Jeslin Tay, an alumni of Northland and three-time National Women Champion WFM Liu Yang. Singapore doing quite good with six of the participants managed to draw with the GM among them is WFM Liu Yang.

Before this, together with FIDE Vice-President Mr Zurab Azmaiparashvili and General Secretary Mr Ignatius Leong, she visit local happening tournament. Singapore is doing well in organizing chess tournament with upcoming event like NATIONAL BLITZ AND NATIONAL JUNIOR BLITZ CHAMPIONSHIPS 2009 , 3RD THOMSON CUP INTERNATIONAL CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP 2009, TCA Junior Chess Open Championship 2009 and going on this week is MAY DAY WEEKEND FIDE/SCF RATING TOURNAMENT 2009.

Can check all of this on http://www.singaporechess.org.sg/

Here the report from the school website. Oh, what a lucky kids they are.

And here the photo collection of the GM in action. > Flickr <

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