Sunday, March 1, 2009

Classic Chess Problem : How to solve a chess problem

This is another classic article by GM Utut Adianto for Bola Magazine from July 1997 issue. It give us a basic on how to solve a chess problem. The four tips by him are :

1. Find a possibility (position/move) on how to checkmate the King
2. Expand imagination as wide as possible
3. Thinks un-logical move to become logical
4. Understand the theme

See the note on Indonesian notation on my previous post. The article also included a report of GM Sergey Tiviakov won the 1997 Gunadharma Chess Tournament in Jakarta.

Kliping artikel catur majalah Bola tahun 97an. Petunjuk Praktis Memecahkan Problem ditulis oleh GM Utut Adianto.  Artikel tambahan adalah berjudul "Satu Gelar Bagi Indonesia" Turnamen Catur Gunadharma 1997 yang dimenangkan GM Sergey Tiviakov. Gelar IM norm bagi Sebastian Simanjuntak.

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