Sunday, June 23, 2013

Top 10 Funniest Chess Meme

What? We don't have enough chess meme on Google / Yahoo? How unacceptable that is. So there you go, we produced some chess meme to show that chess player and playing is as popular as wedding photographer, travel journalist, web designer or game tester. Here you go.... ;p LOL

Anand vs Carlsen 2013 World Chess Championship MEME - HERE

Let's started with "How we see......" series...

tags: How we see Alekhine chess meme, alcohol chess

tags: How we see Bobby Fishcer, terminator chess

my favorite 
tags: How we see Ivanchuk, Ivanchuk funny stares ceiling

a bit political theme
tags: how we see Kasparov, kasparov vs putin, chess politician 

tags: how we see Magnus Carlsen, Magnus Carlsen young, toy chess set

tags: boy vs girl chess game, all draw chess, all decisive result chess round

and the "What my friends think I do...." chess meme, how could we hardly found this..

I will added later when something funny come out from search far this is all my creations.

Sinquefeld Cup Chess Meme