Thursday, March 25, 2010

Ivanchuck and Carlsen tied at Amber 2010

Vassily Ivanchuck started by crushing Carlsen 2-0 in first round but both ended tied first in last round, in a combined standing. Amber is an elite tournament done in blindfold and rapid style. Twelve participants playing. At the end Carlsen continue showing his greatness, climbing to the top from the bottom. Ivanchuck finished undefeated and also a nice show to see this popular player win in this style, Ivanchuck plays in Amber more than anyone there. Third place is Kramnik, also playing solid chess and winning Carlsen in a way. Grischuk is winner in blinfold section, defeating Carlsen in final round, who drop a queen due to memory misplacement. Last year winner Aronian play moderate here and ended up at middle bottom standing. Smeets and Dominquez are the player with less win here. Standing :

1. Carlsen 14½
....Ivanchuk 14½
3. Kramnik 13
4. Grisshuk 12½
5. Karjakin 12
6. Gashimov 11½
....Gelfand 11½
....Svidler 11½
9. Aronian 11
10. Ponomariov 9
11. Smeets 6
12. Dominguez 5


Again Chess boxing video

I've been watching Paul Merton series. In 2007 he was travelling to China and recorded some of my most giggled but amazing videos. In 2008 he went to India and after that the series continued Paul Merton in Europe.

In early episode I was surprised that chess boxing was in the topic. Here the youtube video if you having know about it:

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Cramling - Nepomniachtchi 2010 European Champ

Final round of European Individual chess in Rijeka gives Ian Nepomniachtchi and Pia Cramling the winner title. For Ian, this is a comeback like achievement after he was been out of radar for sometime in elite chess. Ian gained the top position from round 9 and kept it best till round 11. Pia Cramling however sneaks the prestigious title from Cmilyte in dramatic 74 moves of English and agile White's King manuever game. This is the second title for the Swedish Pia Cramling.

Apart from medal achievement, this event also a qualifier for the next World Cup.A 22 seats to be provided. Confirmed guests :

1. Ian Nepomniachtchi
2. Baadur Jobava (GEO) won tie break match
3. Timofeev Artyom (RUS)
4. Igor Lysyj
5. Zahar Efimenko
6. Zoltan Almasi
7. Evgeny Tomashevski
8. Maxim Rodshtein
9. Arman Pashikian
10. Ivan Salgado Lopez

There will be a mini tournament to decide 13 out of 28 players, playing tomorrow :
1 GM Mamedov Rauf AZE
2 GM Movsesian Sergei SVK
 GM Sokolov Ivan BIH
 GM Maiorov Nikita BLR
 GM Tregubov Pavel V RUS
3 GM Akopian Vladimir ARM
 GM Khismatullin Denis RUS
4 GM Alekseev Evgeny RUS
 GM Sutovsky Emil ISR
 GM Kurnosov Igor RUS
5 GM Halkias Stelios GRE
 IM Hovhannisyan Robert ARM
6 GM Berkes Ferenc HUN
 GM Vuckovic Bojan SRB
 GM Potkin Vladimir RUS
 GM Mastrovasilis Athanasios GRE
7 GM Grachev Boris RUS
8 GM Socko Bartosz POL
 GM Inarkiev Ernesto RUS
9 GM Nisipeanu Liviu-Dieter ROU
 GM Zvjaginsev Vadim RUS
10 GM Vorobiov Evgeny E RUS
.....GM Hracek Zbynek CZE defeated by Zbynek Hracek, said official web.
 GM Belov Vladimir RUS
11 GM Navara David CZE
 GM Sargissian Gabriel
12 GM Volkov Sergey RUS
 GM Howell David W L ENG
13 GM Drozdovskij Yuri UKR

1. Pia Cramling
2. Victoria Cmilyte
3. Monika Socko .. she won the tie break match
4. Maire Sebag
5. Tatiana Kosintseva
6. Natalia Zhukova
7. Yelena Dembo

and 7 out of 10 players for World Cup tickets :
1 GM Stefanova Antoaneta BUL 2555
2 IM Muzychuk Anna SLO 2533
3 IM Kosintseva Nadezhda RUS 2554
4 IM Muzychuk Mariya UKR 2444
 IM Khurtsidze Nino GEO 2434
 IM Skripchenko Almira FRA 2456
 IM Ushenina Anna UKR 2452
5 IM Rajlich Iweta POL 2459
6 WFM Ziaziulkina Nastassia BLR 2188
7 IM Kovalevskaya Ekaterina RUS 2438

Final round news by Misa Cebalo  and ranking.

Setelah melewati babak sepuluh yang berakhir tenang dan penuh draw. Babak final berakhir dengan tiga kemenangan di papan atas. (Mantan) Pecatur muda  Ian sukses bertahan sebagai posisi puncak dengan menggebuk mantan runner up World Cup Vladimir Akopian, sementara dua papan lainnya pecatur Georgia Jobava Baadur kembali menang atas Khismatulin dan Timofeev mengirim pecatur Azerbaijan Mamedov ke posisi jauh di bawah. Dengan hasil ini di bidang lelaki medali emas pasti dipegang Ian, tetapi Jobava dan Timofeev musti masuk babak tie break untuk menentukan siapa yang boleh mencium medali perak.

Selebihnya beberapa pemain juga otomatis dapat tiket ke Piala Dunia tetapi sejumlah tiket lain musti direbut oleh 28 pemain, lihat daftar di atas. Babak tambahan berlangsung nanti malam 18 Maret 2010.

Di bagian puteri, agak menyedihkan pecatur elok Lithuania musti kalah di babak terakhir mengakibat dia tidak bisa membawa pulang medali emas. Perebutnya adalah ibu-ibu dari Swedia bernama Pia Cramling. Bu Pia ini sudah pernah juara dan sukses mengalahkan Cmilyte (si Lithuania) dengan permainan Inggris yang berlangsung cukup lama. Beberapa wanita akan berebut medali perunggu dan juga babak tambahan akan memainkan siapa yang boleh memegang tiket ke Piala Dunia wanita tahun. Lihat daftar di atas.

Monday, March 15, 2010

EICC 2010 round 9 Amber round 3

Ian Nepomniachtchi takes sole lead in European Individual Chess Champ after round 9. The clash of top rank between Ian and Jobava ended in Ian's favor. So here he goes with 7.5/9 and about seven other players with 7/9 like Sokolov,Efimenko,Baadur, Mamedov, Timofeev, Akobian and Khismatulin in his back. Rounds 10 pairing going to be extremely high tension show:

Khismatulin (RUS) 7.0 - Nepomniachtchi (RUS) 7.5
Mamedov (AZE) 7.0 - Jobava Baadur (GEO) 7.0
Akopian (ARM) 7.0 - Sokolov (BIH) 7.0
Efimenko (UKR) 7.0 - Timofeev (RUS) 7.0

Ivan Sokolov and Akopian are the player age 38+ while the rest are all below 30s. Country wise this is a six contries affair, Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Armenia. We will see the winner very soon tonight.

The girls section also high heel. Viktorija Cmilyte is now on top of her stiletto with three more women trying to steal it. Round 10 top pairings :

Cmilyte (LTU) 7.5 - Anna Muzychuck (SLO) 7
Pia Cramling (SWE) 7 - Stefanova (BUL) 7

Also a four countries competition here. Chess-result for more.

Side story is the priest of Vatican, Papa Don Valerio Piro is survive with 2.5/9. All his loses are to titled opponent. He has a philosophical quotation here :
"There are a lot of connections between spiritual and chess. This game helps me to question myself repeatedly, because its philosophy is very simple. You are constantly obliged to make decisions and when you make a move you cannot take it back, while each move has its consequences. In chess you cannot cheat and when you analyze the game you have played, it is possible to make a lot of conclusions thus improving yourself not only as a chess player, but as a person in general."

Ok with that. See one of his win here.

[Event "European Individual Championships"]

[Site "Rijeka CRO"]
[Date "2010.03.10"]
[EventDate "2010.03.06"]
[Round "5"]
[Result "0-1"]
[White "I Cabrijan"]
[Black "V Piro"]
[ECO "B18"]
[WhiteElo "1811"]
[BlackElo "2067"]
[PlyCount "98"]
1. e4 c6 2. Nc3 d5 3. d4 dxe4 4. Nxe4 Bf5 5. Ng3 Bg6 6. Nf3 Nd7 7. c3 e6 8. Be2 Ngf6 9. O-O c5 10. Bb5 a6 11. Be2 Be7 12. Re1 O-O 13. Qb3 b5 14. Qd1 Nd5 15. Bd2 Bf6 16. a3 Qb6 17. Be3 c4 18. Nd2 Be7 19. Bf3 N7f6 20. Bg5 Ra7 21. Ndf1 h6 22. Bd2 a5 23. Ne2 Rc7 24. Nf4 Bh7 25. Nxd5 Nxd5 26. Ng3 b4 27. axb4 axb4 28. Bxd5 exd5 29. Ne2 b3 30. f4 Be4 31. Ng3 f5 32. Qh5 Kh7 33. Ra4 g6 34. Qe2 Ra7 35. Rea1 Rfa8 36. Rxa7 Rxa7 37. Qe1 Ra2 38. Rxa2 bxa2 39. Qa1 Bb1 40. Nf1 Qe6 41. Be3 Qe4 42. Kf2 g5 43. g3 gxf4 44. Bxf4 Bg5 45. b4 cxb3 46. Ne3 Bxf4
47. gxf4 Qxf4+ 48. Ke2 Qxh2+ 49. Ke1 b2 0-1

Amber 2010
Another high drama is in Amber. The annually no-peeking and do-it-fast chess is at round 3 now. Vassily Ivanchuck is on highpoint of his roller coaster pattern in combined standing. He defeated Carlsen 1.a3 in day 1. Carlsen himself bounced back with 4 wins over Aronian and Svidler.

Report from TWIC here.

Partai ronde 9 di turnament Eropa Perorangan menghasilkan si Ian Nepomniatchi sebagai pemungut nilai terbanyak sementara. Tinggal 2 ronde lagi tetapi beliau musti bersaing ama sekitar tujuh pemain lain yang bernilai setengah di bawahnya. Pairing ronde sepuluh bisa dilihat di text bahasa Inggris di atas. Beberapa pemain dengan nilai tertinggi akan kualified buat Piala Dunia beberapa tahun mendatang. Di bagian puteri pecatur dengan nama sulit diketik (seperti Ian Nepomniathachihdc.... ahh...) Viktorija Cmilyte telah berada di puncak dan tinggal sebabak dua babak lagi boleh tidur senang. Saingannya adalah Stefanova, pecatur molek dari Bulgaria dan Pia Cramling Swedia dan Anna Muzychuck.

Sementara itu di kota Nice, turnamen catur nggak boleh lihat dan buru buru berlangsung di sana. Turnamen Amber adalah turnamen paling bergengsi di nomor ini. Pak Vassily Ivanchuck penggemar setia turnamen ini (udah main 19 kali) sementara ada di peringkat teratas setelah tiga ronde. Di hari pertama si Ivanchuck ketemu Carlsen, Carlsen bermain pembukaan 1.a3 , cukup seru tapi Ivanchuck kembali memberi pesan agar nggak usah memainkan langkah ini karena sering kalah. Mungkin Carlsen terinspirasi kemenangan Tony Miles atas juara dunia Karpov puluhan tahun lalu.

Lihat tayangan langsung di sini.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Euro Individual 2010 Rijeka - Round 5

As a continent where some of the highest rated chess player in the world stays, the intern continental championship should be an elite tournament to watch. Just as in soccer where the Euro is as prestigious as World Cup. The European Individual Chess Champ is held in Croatia by the city of Rijeka. Top seed is Zoltan Almasi at 2720 followed by Etienne Bacrot 2714. Still missed most of top 15 players like those Armenians and Azeris players.

Up to round 5 looks like the 2690+ players dominated the scenes. Four players stays at 4.5/5 , quite a good result isn't! Nisipeanu, former champion, is on top shared with Efimenko, Jobava and Timofeev.

Side news is 100+ players sign up a petition for Zero Tolerance rule. This is a good news where common sense is being used in this obscured rule. But of course chess player should do their homework also to being professional and don't be late!

Official website, TWIC and Chessgames database.

And check a nice Gruenfel game by Anish Giri below :

Tournament buat para pecatur berpaspor Euro dan sekitarnya sedang berlangsung di Rijeka Kroasia. Paling kuat adalah pemain Hungaria Zoltan Almasi dengan rating 2720 dan pecatur yang waktu kecil agak kuat, Etienne Bacrot. Si Zoltan setelah ronde lima ada di posisi 20an dengan angka 4 sedangkan di puncak klasemen sementara justru beberapa pemain dengan rating hampir 2700 alias hampir elit punya. Si Nisipeanu yang adalah mantan juara Euro ada di puncak dengan 4.5 dari 5 ronde diikuti pemain Ukraina Efimenko, pemain Georgia Jobava dan pemain Rusia Timofeev.

Berikut dua partai mini , yang satu dari pemain muda Anish Giri yang mengalahkan pemain rating 2388 an. Anish yang berdarah Nepal ini agak jauh di urutan 99 dengan nilai 2.5/5. Dia adalah pemenang Corus grup B barusan dan kemungkinan segera menjadi pemain eliieet.

Play online chess

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Gotth Reykjavik: Old,Middle and Youngster Galore

Forget Giri and Robson. Welcome more U15 gals, mr Richard Rapport (b1996), Illya Nyzhnyk (b1996) and Jorge Cori (b1995).

The first one finished second in a strong Gotth' Art Cup 2010. The winner of this event is an oldster Alexander Beliavsky. Second place is mentioned Richard Rapport who currently an IM with 2444 rating and finished with TPR 2638 of category XI tournament. His luck is good but in the last round defeated by another oldster, Lajos Portisch. See Gotth' Art at TWIC. News said by this performance he is ready to entitled GM.

The remaining two youngster played in Reykjavick Open. The tournament won by middlester, and seasoned, Ivan Sokolov. Ivan plays solid chess here, suffered two defeats but finished shared 7 points with four others players. Back to the news, Jorge Cori having mentioned last year as candidate youngest current GM is probably a GM right now. Defeated twice in this tournament he won the last three games and finished second with 6.5 points. The last games is a minitaure in Italian Game against 2500 rated Igor Nataf, see here.

The candidate of youngest-GM-without-a-vowel-in-his-name Illya Nyzhnyk has less luck in last round against seasoned Ehlvest, but world wide news proclaimed about his final GM norm, so probably he is also a GM right now. For now see two minitaures about how to capture a queen.

I Nyzhnyk vs L Ptacnikova 1-0 23 2010 Reykjavik Open
E11 Bogo-Indian Defense

G Gislason vs I Nyzhnyk 0-1 23 2010 Reykjavik Open
D27 Queen's Gambit Accepted, Classical

For information Ivan Sokolov just write a new book on Ruy Lopez, find the book at Amazon and please use my referral :